Interactive mobile ads


New member
Apr 29, 2010
I saw this yesterday and thought it was one of the most innovative things that I've seen in a long time. has created a new ad unit, which is basically a trimmed down version of an app that's created using HTML5. The user is actually able to demo the app before being sent to the app store vs. the traditional method where the user taps a banner ad and just goes straight to the app store.

They've only done a very small amount of testing, but so far they have seen 3x the conversions. Turns iOS Apps Into Playable Mobile Ads | TechCrunch

[ame=] Interactive Mobile Ads - YouTube[/ame]

So they have put demo levels live on the internet like we used to do with computer games on magazines? Not massively innovative but if nobody else thought of porting it to mobile devices - well done chaps!

Mobile devices are the way forward in IM. Apps, Ads, Ecomm. Make sure you create all your sites RWD or at least mobile friendly.