Intellichat Converions

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Jul 5, 2006
I'm guesing its different for every merchant but how is intellichat set up for the most part in terms of crediting affiliates vs intellichat.

Now, granted I haven't seen any real videos of consumers interacting with intellichat but it seems like 100% bullshit that intellichat gets the entire conversion payout for a little bit of javascript.

Honestly, if the consumer converts because they get a moderately better free trial, we still deserve a payout from that.

We paid for the click and we did our thing on the prelander to even get them to click through and then consider ordering.

So whats up networks? You gonna do something to get a peice of that pie from the merchants or what? Do you guys know if intellichat gets the same payout as the affiliate on a conversion?

I mean the success or failure of a campaign from an affilaite standpoint generally depends on the conversion rate, so getting those 2-5 percent can = fail or not.

I undertand that a ton of volume for networks isn't shitty affiliates on WF but still, for the guys on here doing volume... that's just that many more sales that you aren't getting paid for.

Yeah its pretty discouraging to see on that I had 16 weight loss sales today through intelichat and I don't receive any credit for them
wow - wtf. So with CPA's if they have intellichat or saveasale scripts running you guys don't get the credit at all? What's the excuse, that it's 'exit' traffic? Bunch of BS, perhaps a perk in the clickbank world, even if us merchants have exit saves, you still get your full commission %.
that's just that many more sales that you aren't getting paid for.

Fact of the matter is that you wouldn't be getting paid for it in the first place. The visitor you sent was not qualified enough to be able to purchase so if they try to leave and then decide to purchase... it really wasn't you who deserve the sale because the intelichat (which is really stupid to begin with) was able to sell better than your page.

Just my opinion though...
the merchant pays intellichat on top of the affiliate payout. intellichat is used more as a way to increase conversions then to rip off affiliates.

the merchant is the one that takes it on the chin as most of the times the customer who is stupid enough to believe the intellichat operator is real is the lowest quality customer whos cards decline before the rebill or are the types most likely to issue a chargeback.
The affiliate still pays for the traffic, so they should still get some kind of commission even if it wasn't the full commission but its just another way for the merchant to make even more money. Thats the way the game is played.
Fact of the matter is that you wouldn't be getting paid for it in the first place. The visitor you sent was not qualified enough to be able to purchase so if they try to leave and then decide to purchase... it really wasn't you who deserve the sale because the intelichat (which is really stupid to begin with) was able to sell better than your page.

Just my opinion though...

Thats the stupidest thing I've heard. Just because someone backs out of a page doesn't mean they don't intend on buying. What if they're shopping and want to look at the other offers? They hit back and see that its a huge discount and buy. I wasn't going to lose that sale until the vendor offered a big discount.

Either way as an affiliate that is a 'leak' on a page, something I do not get credit for when I sent the visitor there in the first place.
Fact of the matter is that you wouldn't be getting paid for it in the first place. The visitor you sent was not qualified enough to be able to purchase so if they try to leave and then decide to purchase... it really wasn't you who deserve the sale because the intelichat (which is really stupid to begin with) was able to sell better than your page.

Just my opinion though...

Another fact of the matter is that NOBODY would be getting paid for it in the first place if the affiliate hadn't generated the traffic initially...
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