Intellectual Propery Liability Insurance


New member
Jul 6, 2008
Does anyone here carry liability insurance for protection against lawsuits related to misappropriation of copyright, trademark dilution, etc. Can anyone recommend good company's the offers those policies?

I got a quick (poor) crash course in liability insurance when shopping around for product liability insurance.

You may find that what I presume you might be looking for is not covered (ie using someone's image, etc etc etc). Most policies like this are geared towards technical overstepping- ie a company like RIM getting sued over stepping onto some patent hoarder's turf with a design and consequentially sued. The actions of the company and it's executives are pretty easily proven to be non-malicious in intent and thus the risk you're betting against is pretty simply technical/mistaken/or able to be called mistaken in nature.

Assuming that you're running a 'how Brit lost the weight' farticle and Brit sues you're dealing with actions by the company's executives that are pretty clearly non-accidental. I haven't seen policies that cover anything like this and can't imagine someone covering that.

What specifically are you looking for with respect to trademark dilution?
Thanks for the reply. Specifically looking for some liability protection for product review sites if some company decides to sue for websites using there product names in articles etc. I know genuine reviews are considered fair use, but would still like to have that layer of protection.
I don't know the specifics of your question, but I know when I was shopping business insurance they pretty much included liability protection on everything. The amount of stuff they covered was pretty much ridiculous.

I'd find a good agent to bounce your questions off of. I just moved or I'd pull out the card from the guy that gave a presentation at the SCORE meeting. If I can track it down in the next couple of days I'll PM you.
I would suggest you take the money and spend it on IP lawyers who can tell you what to do and not to do.