Integrating Flash on a Landing Page


New member
Jul 7, 2009
I've been doing some work with Flash recently and I played with the idea of developing a landing page supported by flash. Have there been any case studies measuring the difference in the effectiveness of sites using flash versus the use of jpegs?

Here's why I ask...
Creating flash links and a flash interface adds some degree of professionalism, originality, and legitimacy (an illusion?). Most landing pages are simply decorated with .jpeg's. So I was wondering if adding a flash interface will still result in a higher CTR, especially since there is somewhat of a link mask (basically people can't see the affiliate text at the bottom of the screen if they were to hover over it). This interface, of course, would be supported by plain text comprising much of the page.

So to break it down: flash or jpegs? Interactive or static? Any experiences?

I think a pretty Flash site could work well in some niches but for the most part, good landers are simple and straight to the point. The idea is to grab a visitor, drag their eye to you sales copy, and then get them to click through to the offer once they're convinced.

Also as far as hiding your links, most people do cloak links but their are much easier was such as a simple php redirect to do that kind of thing.
Yeah, it's tough to say - I was thinking of making some kind of landing page where there was this black screen with a small flashlight-like circle that people could drag around and "search" for the deals. I mean, it's something dumb that people can just play with on the site.

I was kind of weighing the cost/benefit analysis of making a VERY high quality landing page as opposed to making a cheap/simple one. For example, you will have to do some more marketing if your page is simple and unconvincing. However, you will have spent MUCH less time on it. I do think that time is worth MUCH less in this field, thus people should aim for quality.

Think about it, though - if you spend 24 hours building a site and spend 24 hours of marketing... you get a CTR of 1%. Let's say you spend 4 hours building a site and spend 24 hours marketing it... you get a CTR of 0.1%. I mean, the cost/benefit is clear. You will make exponentially more money if you spend time making a high quality site... quality is a relative term, though... hence the purpose of this thread, I guess.