Instagram Marketing


New member
Dec 7, 2015
Hey guys,

Idvert would like to share some general instagram marketing tips. Hope this will help to the newbie marketers.

Optimize Your Profile
Your profile is the first thing potential followers see when they click on your handle, so make sure you put your best face forward. The link in your profile is your one chance to have a live link on the platform, so think carefully about where you want it to point.

Respond to Comments & @mentions
Responsiveness is one of the most important parts of social media. Take it one step further and monitor your notifications to learn when other users @mention you in their captions and comments, and share your gratitude with a like or comment of your own.

Show Customer Appreciation
Visual media offers unlimited creative opportunities to thank your customers and fans. You can express your gratitude by engaging with photos customers share or showcasing them on your website, using captions to explain what was special about their photo. Use it professional way.

Telling The Brand Story
Brand marketing on Instagram can be tricky, as younger demographic users tend to be sensitive to over-promotion. Avoid irritating these users by identifying ways to share key components of your brand’s image without resorting to outright sales tactics.

number 2 (responsiveness) is often overlooked when you are running automatic campaigns, but its definitely a gooder.
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Great post!
and I would also like to add that using services will significantly increase your popularity! You better try!
Instagram Marketing is essential for many small Brands/Businesses marketing campaigns. A high percentage of users follow at least one business on Instagram. At least round about 30 % of Instagram users have purchased products they discovered on Instagram. Social Media Marketing
Some great information here! I am organising an event specifically for Instagram business owners and marketers. I think people are are a great fit.

Care to learn more?
1. Identify your audience
2. Determine brand goals and objectives
3. Build your team and assign specific roles
4. Establish your brand personality
5. Create your Instagram theme
6. Utilize Instagram Stories
7. Implement a social media calendar
8. Check in on your Instagram Analytics
With over 1 billion monthly active users, Instagram is definitely a well-loved social media outlet. Having a larger Instagram following can mean more sales for your business, more views on your blog, and a stronger community for your brand. But how in the world do some people have thousands of Instagram followers?

1. Interact with other users

Go through and like 5-10 photos on someone’s account. It would also help to leave a genuine comment and give them a follow. This helps to get your name out there and allows other users to discover you. I’d also suggest doing this primarily to users in your niche. How do you find users in your niche? Check hashtags, or view the followers of your favorite Instagrammers. Overall, be authentic and not spammy.

2. Create a theme
Cool, so if you followed #1, people will naturally start to notice your username and may check out your account…give them something to fall in love with! I’ve found that it really helps to create a theme for your Instagram. Write down a few words that you want people to associate with your account. Which words would you use for your account? Once you’ve settled on a theme, try your hardest to stick to it!

3. Socialize

Respond to the comments you receive and leave comments of your own on others’ work. Rather than something stale like, “cute dress,” try to leave genuine comments and questions that encourage them to post more photos.

4. Use hashtags and encourage others to use it too.

This is a great way to build community and gain new content for your account. First of all, create a unique hashtag (make sure it’s not already being used!) and ask others to use it. It works best if the hashtag has a specific purpose. Once people start using your hashtag (and YOU use it, too!), then you can repost images from your followers (giving them proper credit, of course!). Not only does this build community by showing your followers that you appreciate their photos, but it also gives you content for your own account.

5. Run a contest.

If you have something you’d like to give away, try running a contest. Some ideas? Have users repost a specific image and tag you in the caption. Ask them to follow you. Or invite them to use your hashtag on their own images. You could even try a loop giveaway if you want to collaborate with other Instagrammers.

6. Encourage followers to take action.
As simple as it may sound, people are more likely to do something if you ask them to do it. Sharing a quote? Ask them to “like” your photo if they agree with it! Sharing something funny or relatable? Ask your followers to tag a friend! Ask open-ended questions! If you put the idea out there, it will encourage your followers to act accordingly.

7.Figure out audience interests. :eatmousepointer:

Do a little research. Go back through your photos and see which ones got the most likes and comments — and of course, the least. What clicks with your audience and why? How can you incorporate more photos like that into your feed?

8. Link profile to other social media accounts.:xmas-smiley-022:

If you have a blog, Twitter, or Facebook, then you might assume your people are already following you on every platform. Hint: they probably aren’t! Share a quick tweet or Facebook post encouraging them to follow you on Instagram…it will reel in more followers than you think. This will help your followers on other networks discover your Instagram account — and proceed to follow you there, too!

Think outside the box! Ask another Instagrammer in your niche if they can post something for you. Instagram Story takeovers are a blast and can dramatically grow your following fast. Or start an Instagram challenge with daily prompts. Ultimately, think of fun, creative ways to collaborate with other users.

10. Go with a PRO
As getting followers is pretty frustrating at first, you can get help from the professionals likes socialrank PRO to give you an initial push which can give you the momentum to grow in the future.
Thanks for sharing! Could you also tell smith about non-branded hashtags? Is there any profit from using it?
Quick question on IG - I've started seeing tons of IG profiles that have just 30-100 posts but get 100+ comments on the posts. And the comments are not spamming. Are they on some engagement pod?
Very useful post! there is always an ongoing "micro-communication" process going on, when you comment other people's posts and comment their photos/videos. every human being needs attention. and social media is all about the basic needs of being seen and heard. so even when you give "strangers" your attention, by giving a like, subconsciously they all feel that they are valued and appreciated.
Instagram is a powerful marketing platform. More than 35% of the population is active on Instagram, with 59% of them using the platform once a day. A whopping 80% of Insta users follow at least one business.

The numbers are too significant to be ignored. This is why you need an Instagram marketing strategy to boost results.

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With Our Instagram Marketing
Facebook and Instagram marketing make the most of the social media marketing strategy for businesses and brands. We help you with Instagram campaign discovery, development, monitoring, optimization, and reporting.

Instagram Marketing Services Include-
Boost Website Traffic
Develop Instagram Campaigns
Increase Leads & Website Conversions
Setup Optimized Instagram Advertising Campaigns
Increase Brand Awareness
Re-use Marketing Materials