Insertion Order

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New member
Jun 27, 2007
I'm in the process of going direct with an advertiser and they have requested a insertion order in order to get things running. I've gone direct with a few other companies before - none of which required an insertion order.

I know what an insertion order is and I have several templates for them - however the templates don't seem to contain any agreements of payment terms, lead limits, cancellation clauses,etc.

Any help on proper formating of an Insertion Order and/or things I need/should to include in order to not screwed over would be fantastic.

I read this title and was like ...........................................................................

I have no idea how to help you, I just wanted to tell you that's a great title :)
Rasher, talk to one of your Network AMs... if they're cool, they'll help. If you're with C2M, I'd talk to Ruck...
I kinda forget how these are done because I haven't done one in a while.

I think you are supposed to have some sort of advertising agreement, have that signed, and then do an insertion order to actually get the ad up and running.

There is also a purchase order, idk when that is used.

I hate technical terms like this. Phrases like this make me want to punch babies:

"Send me an insertion order for your outlet's media buy"

UGH, WUT??!!!!!!!
This reminds me of something funny I read on slashdot:

I almost fell off my chair when I found out that the official title for the guys who are in charge of finding security holes in networks is Penetration Engineer.

Can you believe a guy giving out a business card which says something like

John Smith
Senior Penetration Engineer
xyz network security company

This is the reason why HR should be in charge of determining position titles for your company and not engineers.
This reminds me of something funny I read on slashdot:

I almost fell off my chair when I found out that the official title for the guys who are in charge of finding security holes in networks is Penetration Engineer.

Can you believe a guy giving out a business card which says something like

John Smith
Senior Penetration Engineer
xyz network security company

This is the reason why HR should be in charge of determining position titles for your company and not engineers.

Would that make my job title Ïnternet Whore?
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