Innovative Idea to get Better Results from Your Affiliates

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New member
Aug 30, 2007
Let them know whom to contact as an affiliate manager. Maybe the affiliate manager could even send the affiliate an email letting them know that they have an affiliate manager.

And then, if an affiliate contacts an affiliate manager with a question, maybe even reply with an answer.

I dunno. Call me crazy.

6 months after having been accepted to a certain network, I've just today learned the contact details of my assigned AM. I had to send a PM on this forum to even get that far. I've been wanting to run some offers on that network, but never got replies to my emails.

Communication goes a long way.

Communication is often a heard problem by many affiliates!

Not sure if that has to do with the fact that some ad networks grew too big, but ad networks are there in the 1st place because of the affiliates, let's not forget that... :)
Well, so far I've tried email, IM and phone.

The outgoing message on the voice mail when I called was "This person you are trying to reach is not accepting calls at this time."

Ok, next I'll try smoke signals. Hopefully it won't be very windy on Monday.
network communication can often be difficult. That is usually what separates the truly successful networks from everyone else. If they can't respond to emails, what makes you think they will be efficient at tracking offers or even paying you? Things to consider...
6 months after having been accepted to a certain network, I've just today learned the contact details of my assigned AM.

Probably should have checked your inbox from 6 months ago to get that info. Imagine you have a book of 700 affiliates to look after and how much effort would you expend for someone who hadn't done shit in the 6 months since s/he joined.
A4D's reps and owner are on more than most networks. I see Smaxor on at 4 am all the time and he is always willing to answer my questions. I think you need to check your email better ;)
Sorry to hear about those whole mixup sinwave. I'm not sure what happened there. If anyone else is having those troubles please don't hesitate to call, aim or PM me.

With our new system we're shortly going to have your specific AM info up when you login so you know who to contact. Right now all AM's info is available when you login. There is one benefit to having it this way and that's if you have an issue at some point you have 5 people's cell phones you can call to get it resolved :D
To be totally honest, I understand the desire for response/etc. (obviously). But I way prefer when affiliate managers just leave me alone; I understand they are paid based on what I earn, but I get so damn much email from AMs.
It's a fine balance - working with affiliates who prefer to be left alone, and those who welcome the interaction. If you're high up in the ranks of super affiliates, I can see how this could be really annoying. :) (WPQuick can I email you too?)
Sorry to hear about those whole mixup sinwave. I'm not sure what happened there. If anyone else is having those troubles please don't hesitate to call, aim or PM me.

With our new system we're shortly going to have your specific AM info up when you login so you know who to contact. Right now all AM's info is available when you login. There is one benefit to having it this way and that's if you have an issue at some point you have 5 people's cell phones you can call to get it resolved :D

I'm all squared away. Thanks Smax.
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