.info respect

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New member
Mar 21, 2007
Estados Unidos
Has anyone ever done any kind of PPC ad copy testing to see if .com/net/org TLD's do better than .info when it comes to CTR?

Since I'm in this business, I'm probably biased, but I will rarely click a .info search result whether it's paid or organic.

I'm not sure if most sheeple even notice the TLD in the SERPs. However, for type-in .com beats them all. Sheeple are programmed to type in www.What-the-fuck-ever.COM so if you plan on branding your site, and the .com is available, spend the extra $6 to get it.
.com for type in can't really be argued against- but I'm just making landing pages for ppc/affiliate stuff. There are more attractive keyword/keyphrase .infos available than .coms. URL can help ctr, so I wasn't sure if people paid attention to the TLD.

You're probably right though. Anyone who is going to convert will only see what stands out to them and TLD won't.

Thanks for your help!
i notice a little differnce when 2 of my sites, one being .info and the other being a .com, are really close to each other. for example, if one has a position of 3 and the has a position of 4, or whatever. the .com generally has a higher ctr than the .info i don't do ppc so i don't know about that and the keywords for my .info sites aren't searched for too much. i usually only use info sites for testing and link bait since they're super cheap at godaddy
I know most of you are in the states, but don't forget country specific TLDs. .us seems a bit shit but .co.uk, .de, .fr etc are often what people in those countries will type in and often what local businesses will prefer.

Not sure about the SERPS though - does Google give more weight to a .co.uk over a .com in UK search results? Seems like they should do, as it would imply a more relevant site, but no idea if they do.

PS Sheeple... love it! :D
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