.info domains

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... and for everyone else ... NO WAY is there anything wrong with .info domains. I've made loads of money using .info's. Cute little domains ;)

(Edit: sorry John beat me too it)
It's the KeyWords in the .info domain that play in important SEO, especially MSN.
Namecheap are awesome! That's who I do all my domains through. Never let me down one little bit!
I think search engines weigh .info domains negatively. If you spend anytime in black hat forums all of them for the most part use .info. In fact amny of them discuss how they will buy a 100 .info domains and spamming the crap out of them. Search Engines are not stupid. They can see trends and patterns and will adjust accordingly. For example with googles landing page quailty to curb so much affilate marketing in Adwords. To me having a keyword in your domain is more valuable for the type in factor. But that is usually negated by the .info.
You have to wonder, don't you?
I had an opportunity to pick up a domain that I could have fixed up for resale nicely recently (PR 3) but it was a .info. That plus the domain name itself being a dog was enough to make me turn it down....
leadegroot said:
You have to wonder, don't you?
I had an opportunity to pick up a domain that I could have fixed up for resale nicely recently (PR 3) but it was a .info. That plus the domain name itself being a dog was enough to make me turn it down....

What??? I am totally confused

*Plus a PR of three is not high at all
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