Indiegogo pulls 3D Gun Printing Project


New member
Jul 28, 2010
'Wiki Weapon Project' Aims To Create A Gun Anyone Can 3D-Print At Home - Forbes

Cody Wilson has a simple dream: To design the world’s first firearm that can be downloaded from the Internet and built from scratch using only a 3D printer–and then to share it with the world.

Is this even possible? A long time ago I googled endlessly around to find a gun that is completely metal free, i.e. doesn't trigger metal detectors. Have there been any improvements been made on that subject?

It would be pretty cool to be able to make a gun like that. If you find something post it here for all of us to see. I can only imagine the backlash a successful project like that would cause though.

Are you a terrorist?

The politically correct term is 'Freedom Fighter'. Your insensitive speech has no place here on WF.
'Wiki Weapon Project' Aims To Create A Gun Anyone Can 3D-Print At Home - Forbes

Is this even possible? A long time ago I googled endlessly around to find a gun that is completely metal free, i.e. doesn't trigger metal detectors. Have there been any improvements been made on that subject?


I think at this point they can print the regulated part and then purchase any other unregulated parts on the open market, according to the site. This isn't 100% printed but it is a step ahead.
Yes, this is my understanding of this as well.

But although it might not be possible to print high quality weapon in such a way, you might very well print in accurate weapons that could be of great use in an uprising or terrorist attack with these techniques.

As for the materials, just browse the catalogue of professional 3-D printing shops. While solid metals cannot be printed yet, they are composite materials made from metals in the powder form that allow for quite sturdy constructions.

Also, while using just any metal tube as a barrel does not come highly recommended if you're looking for accuracy and long life of the weapon, it will serve.

Now, the implications here are that anyone with Internet access and access to 3-D printer [now, even the commercial ones are not that expensive anymore] can print a bunch of weapons, which will be
a) cheap
b) nearly undetectable by government

and then use these in a small-scale terrorist attack or rebel uprising.

Yes, this is my understanding of this as well.

But although it might not be possible to print high quality weapon in such a way, you might very well print in accurate weapons that could be of great use in an uprising or terrorist attack with these techniques.

As for the materials, just browse the catalogue of professional 3-D printing shops. While solid metals cannot be printed yet, they are composite materials made from metals in the powder form that allow for quite sturdy constructions.

Also, while using just any metal tube as a barrel does not come highly recommended if you're looking for accuracy and long life of the weapon, it will serve.

Now, the implications here are that anyone with Internet access and access to 3-D printer [now, even the commercial ones are not that expensive anymore] can print a bunch of weapons, which will be
a) cheap
b) nearly undetectable by government

and then use these in a small-scale terrorist attack or rebel uprising.


The US did something similar during WWII (I think it was WWII). They manufactured extremely cheap guns and dropped them behind enemy lines to aid resistance fighters. If I remember history correctly the guns were so cheap you might get 3 shots off before you had to use the gun its self as a blunt weapon. The cool part about it was they dropped so many of them it wasn't uncommon for the people that needed them to be walking around the woods unarmed and find enough to actually fight off "the bad guys".

If anyone knows the name of the gun post links. I forgot what the name of the gun is.


I guess I heard the story wrong, because according to wikipedia it wasn't really used.
What about bullets? Kind of defeats the purpose of undetectable since you would have to carry around bullets if you ever wanted to use the thing. Also I'm not even sure if the printed barrel would stay intact or blow up in your face.
Are we forgetting that 3-D printers print a type of Plastic and the Firing chamber/barrel of a gun needs to be cold, hard steel to survive a single shot?

Just the heat from each bullet's explostion would melt the frigging plastic. And you can't print steel, so WTF would "Printing a gun" help anyone to do besides play cowboy with your young children?

Nevermind, just read it the whole way through: Just firing one shot off is enough to be a threat, even to rob a bank with... There goes all means to enforce gun control!

Well, this does change things a bit. All the governments that have oppressive gun laws like, oh, England, will now have to arm their citizens and become like us. Wow.

This is actually a huge game-changer. England can't possibly restrict the use of 3D printers when America will have them, could they?
Haven't we already had this discussion like 4 times?

Yall are missing the point. This isn't about plastic guns that can pass thru metal detectors this is about guns that the government doesn't know about.

The ATF regulates the 'receiver' part of a firearm as the actual gun.

Meaning, this...

... is a firearm to the ATF.

If you print one. You have printed a firearm according to the ATF.

Everything else to make that firearm complete (barrel, magazines, stocks, upper receiver, bolt, parts) can be ordered ONLINE with NO BACKGROUND CHECK.

And that plastic receiver will work just fine when put together with other traditionally manufactured parts.

Example: Here is a polymer (plastic) lower that is for sale. It works just fine. I know.. i have one. And I had to fill out ATF forms when i purchased that 'lower'.

LW-15 Complete Polymer Lower [LW-15 Complete (Standard)] - $109.00 : New Frontier Armory - Firearm Sales, Transfers, and Consignment


EDIT: you figure the rest out...

A complete unregistered AR15 that the ATF doesn't know about that I didn't have to pass a background check for. THAT'S why they are freaking out.