Indiana Stage collapses - several deaths


New member
Oct 2, 2010
[ame=""]Indiana State Fair Stage Collapse - YouTube[/ame]

Shit. That is scary.

RIP to all those poor bastards.

But how so many people came here in a such bad weather? Forecasts are unpopular now?
Just fucking wow. Someone going to get sued for that! 5 dead already, more could happen.
Apparently, the opening act had just left the stage and Sugarland was about to come on when this freak gust of wind hit the stage.

10-15 minutes later and this really would've made the headlines.
Was just reading about this in the paper this morning. The video is intense. Sad for the injured and those who lost their life.
That's one show I would be happy to have missed out on front row seats for.
Cause of collapse confirmed:

I must've replayed this about 15 times just looking at the people who started running and got away by inches. Insane.