Indian Infomercials


New member
Sep 4, 2008
You baller's want to pick back up the good days of acai berries? How about weight loss tea? Well I have the perfect thing for you. Infomercials in India.

I am currently on vacation here and I have seen the worst most fake infomercials I have ever seen. Its always the same few also there is a lot of room for growth.

Commercial 1) No Addiction. Some sort of super pill that cure addiction to shit. tons of people here are addicted to this chewing tobacco type crap. Commercial targeted towards women ashamed of their husbands addictions. Shits like a talk show. About $20

Commercial 2) Some magic hair growth oil/soap. Though the magic of US scientists and Chinese herbs these guys found a way to make you hair grow like bamboo. They claim your hair stops growing because oil and dirt clogs the follicles so they sell some shit you rub on your bald spots to clear out the pores and your hair will grow back. About $50

Commercial 3) Grow taller pills! This once is all over the fucking place but claims that Indian and Chinese herbs will actually make you grow taller. Take these pills and you can actually become a foot taller. Has a army guy who is sad because he is short, gets taller and becomes an officer or some shit.

Commercial 4) Sliming Tea. This one is super retarded. They have the WORST photo shopped photos of "fat" before and afters I have ever seen. I mean its comical the difference. Mix in some stock photos of fat people and a few "after" actors drinking cups of tea and wham! Your rolling in money. Don't forget to repeat the catchy slogan/song every 2mins so people know it works.

What has been amazing is you can say or do whatever the hell you want with no proof. Photoshop people taller or thiner, get american "doctors" to endorse your products, say they are made from secret Chinese herbs. There seems to be no laws or limits to what you can do.

So all you guys should dust off your old flogs and stupid shit, find Indian offers and point that crap over here. No ftc or pesky truth to stop you.

Let Lakshmi bless you with wealth,

[ame=]LETHAL COMMISSION(full movie official) - YouTube[/ame]
Isn't India's average annual income like $500?

Wonder how big the market is for people willing to pony up $20-50 for a health product.
[ame=]Easy Slim Tea 15 Mins - YouTube[/ame]

Found that shit! You joke about the rupees and people being poor but these things pretty much play all night long on tv. They are all at least $20 USD and probably rebill like mad. Someone is making some serious bank off this crap.

3:05 for the best before photoshop ever made.
Isn't India's average annual income like $500?

Wonder how big the market is for people willing to pony up $20-50 for a health product.

There are billions of indians, so average income is skewed. In cities, most middle class families earn anywhere from $20000-40000 a year.

A 3 bedroom apartment costs about $500K USD in a good suburb of Mumbai. It can go as high as $5-10 million for top apartments.

If you are thinking Indians are poor, you are so wrong :)
Isn't India's average annual income like $500?

Wonder how big the market is for people willing to pony up $20-50 for a health product.

Wonder where you got the $500 figure from, but the market is bigger than you think.

Easy Slim Tea 15 Mins - YouTube

Found that shit! You joke about the rupees and people being poor but these things pretty much play all night long on tv. They are all at least $20 USD and probably rebill like mad. Someone is making some serious bank off this crap.

3:05 for the best before photoshop ever made.

It is all because of centralization of economy. The cities are laced with people having deep pockets and willing to shell out cash if you hit the right nerve.

Some of the bigger brands in India are Telebrands (Probably the biggest) - Asian Sky Shop, TVC and a bunch of others.

Most of these cell Personal Care and Fitness products.

These commercials are never run in peak viewership periods, but rather in weak viewership periods (midnight etc.) - so if you switch on your television in India after 12.00 AM - 80% of the channels will have some kind of an informercial playing.

The demographics and the target markets are exploited as well. So it isn't uncommon to find people selling religous books, astrology predictions, rudraksh or stones to supposedly improve your luck.

There are scams running via this medium as well - drugs offering magical cures for incurable diseases such as cancer. Check Body Revive here -

Munir Khan, a self-proclaimed doctor, sold these bottles of medicine called "Body Revive". They were sold for about INR 15000 ($280 app. according to current market rate) - during a recent raid on his premises, millions of dollars worth of INR currency was recovered.

If you're able to carve a niche for yourself, Indians do purchase.
Hi friends,
This done good can bring lot of money, can sex girls no problem.
Good luck bros.
Hello friend,

You see advertisement for skin white creams to? In some before picture black as Africa and after picture white like white people.

Good luck bro