Indian American Affiliate Marketer Lists Ways To Pretend To Be French

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i would love to see someone make a post on how to pass off as an indian person.

1. Smear yourself in curry powder.

2. Start spamming.

and as this little shiforbrains will probably delete the post when he realizes the piss is being ripped, here's his marvellous advice for posterity, and I quote:-

Having just gone to Paris, I learned a few things about French people and French culture.
Here’s the 10 requirements to passing off as a French Person :
Don’t Smile
Be Skinny
Drink More Wine Than Water
Don’t Wear a Beret - contrary to popular belief, very few French people wear berets. During my time in Paris I saw ONE guy with a Beret what a fucktard
Give Yourself a French Sounding Name - Especially important if you’re looking for a job in France
Have long meals, and be sure to chit chat and gesticulate during the entire course of the meal - you’re allowed to smile in this situation
Wear designer clothes - French people (and Italians as well) really know how to dress sharp.
Wear nice shoes - no sneakers - the easiest way to pick out an American Tourist in Paris is to look at their feet, they’re usually wearing sneakers!
Kiss your friends on the cheek when you meet them
And, of course, the most important, speak French PROPERLY
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