Index page is being indexed!!


New member
Jan 12, 2011
Alright, Im a little confused by what is happening, so forgive me if I cant explain it well.

I have a website that is currently ranking well on several keywords on google. My website has about 6 articles on it. When I search these keywords on google and see my website, instead of taking me to one of the articles (or the main page) google goes to an index page on my website. The index page says in which of my articles the keyword searched for is found. I DONT WANT THIS UGHHH. If people are going to my website, I want them to go to my main page or one of the articles, not this index page. I dont even know why google is indexing this page. Can anyone tell me why this is happening?

Try adding no index tag to the head of this page

Then build a couple of links using relevant anchor text to the articles from some bookmarking sites or something. I assume the article pages have the target phrases as Title tags, H1 etc?
Try adding no index tag to the head of this page


DO NOT under any circumstances do this!

To the OP, what does your index page look like? Is it the same content as on the individual landing page?