Incredible Reviews!" Learn To Rank Anything, Build Blog Networks + So Much More!

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Aug 22, 2011
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wow! this is an amazing wso lots of useful info, recommended .....

Good stuff... Purchased, watched a few videos, and am quite impressed. As a 4+ year SEO myself, I can say with confidence this product is a great buy. I'm not impressed easily... already seen it all... but I really enjoyed this product.

I'm in since the first day of this WSO and keeps getting better and better...

Just amazing!!


Thanks a lot,

Best money I have spent on WF WSO. Great WSO

this looks perilously close to selling e-books/info products and your reviews are from WaFo, which you'll find not to be particularly well respected here ;) don't take it personally, just felt like pointing out why you may not be getting much traction

this looks perilously close to selling e-books/info products and your reviews are from WaFo, which you'll find not to be particularly well respected here ;) don't take it personally, just felt like pointing out why you may not be getting much traction


Well I have seen a few sales from the thread so Im not too concerned. This is in no way some garbage eBook. It does come with loads of information but it also comes with software that alone is worth the price of admission. In regards to the reviews being from WF you can decide for yourself what you think about that, all i'll say is they are all legit and the members have been extremely happy. This membership will change your entire business and thats not me blowing smoke thats just fact.
Well I have seen a few sales from the thread so Im not too concerned. This is in no way some garbage eBook. It does come with loads of information but it also comes with software that alone is worth the price of admission. In regards to the reviews being from WF you can decide for yourself what you think about that, all i'll say is they are all legit and the members have been extremely happy. This membership will change your entire business and thats not me blowing smoke thats just fact.

well, you wouldn't say your product was bad, would you? that's just fact ;)

i'm sure your wafo reviews are legit. it's just that forum rules prohibit using reviews from other forums iirc. also, wafo users reviewing seo infoproducts is like 15th century albanian peasants reviewing incandescent lightbulbs (look, it's magic!) - entertaining, but not particularly helpful.

to be serious for a sec, what's new and revolutionary for the wafo crowd is most likely old news to most folks here. varying anchor text properly is important? you don't say! since your sales graphic, sales post and lack of reviews from members here give people no way to determine whether there is any useful material in there given their level of seo knowledge, fewer people are going to order. i know i've poked fun a bit, but it's my way of being helpful. selling here like you do on wafo won't work that well.

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dude, Google indexed your download links.

Yea they're not tough to find considering I am not trying to hide them in anyway. Crack away! The protection is annoying to crack and the bots need to be updated often so its not likely an endeavor that would be very fruitful.
to be serious for a sec, what's new and revolutionary for the wafo crowd is most likely old news to most folks here. varying anchor text properly is important? you don't say! since your sales graphic, sales post and lack of reviews from members here give people no way to determine whether there is any useful material in there given their level of seo knowledge, fewer people are going to order. i know i've poked fun a bit, but it's my way of being helpful. selling here like you do on wafo won't work that well.


I appreciate the heads up. I will fully admit I didn't see any rules prohibiting this product. What I saw was suggested rules in a thread that was incredibly long to read. But of course I could have just missed it. Either way thats more up to the mods then it is me and I by no means wanted to offend anyone. This is just a good forum, and a place to advertise. Thats all.

If you think what I am selling is just about varying anchor text then you're missing out big time. This forum may be "superior" to warrior forum but I still doubt everyone here knows

- How to build a high PR blog network properly, how to find the domains, how to know which ones are good and also have access to buy high quality ones if they don't feel like doing the leg work?

- How to build a huge web 2.0 network and actually run it. Not doing the same old Senuke style web 2.0 campaigns that were cute a few years ago. Im talking running 1000's of web 2.0 blogs as a gigantic 2nd tier of endless link juice.

- How to find unlimited unique content. Not BS spun content, but real, high quality unique content on any topic and endless amounts of it.

- Actual link building campaigns that work right now. Not ones that worked a month ago. Legitimate link building plans that WILL rank your sites.

- Not to mention loads of other SEO tricks, software, link plans updated monthly showing exactly what is working and what isn't and coming Friday a bot to run all your Wordpress sites and network them together. I believe the other services that allow you to do this sort of thing with wordpress (ManageWP for example) both charge huge monthly fees to run any network of significant size, but this you'll get with the price of your membership.

Paulie PM me if you are willing to give this thread an honest review of my product and i'll happily give you a free copy. I stand behind this, and I firmly believe even the biggest skeptic will be extremely happy. This is not some warrior newbie garbage. This is the most advanced SEO package out there.
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HMMM looks interesting - though i am sure i know as much or more on many or most of these topics ;) i am still very interested in the bots and added knowledge and bits i might not know....

I already have 1200+ web2 aged safe solid sturdy web 2s

growing private blog network of super aged domains and 250+ in my niche and over 9 now seo hosting accounts with many providers and EU/USA/asia IPs (over 550) so i know a thing or two about making your own blog nets and buying aged domains (spent over 5k on domains this week... lol)

anyway tip i bet you dont have in there for building your own network (even cheaply) is the right software to manage it... no its not managewp no its not xmarkpro ... it is wpmotherhship without a single doubt in my min. check my sig for details. try it and add it to your guide!! cause you will know i speak the truth if you try it.

but i still might pick this up for shits n giggles... maybe you got some good stuff here
any discount for a super pro ninja who can review with a lot on non-bs hardcore real world experience and every day making real $ doing it right kinda player????

yeah so for 19 bucks i bought the fucker... (before your thread might get banned I see ;)

well i'll give my feedback if you are still here in a bit!
OK OK.... so i bought it and logged into the forum and skimmed some stuff....

the blog network stuff seems all nice and solid, i would take some points of being so hyper protective of ways of linking properties etc and question the hardcoreness of it as i do a fair bit but i am doing it expertly with certain subsets of my domains --- and MOST IMPORTANT i am doing it with hundreds of sites in the same niche so it seems natural some linking between them....

BUT OVERALL FIRST IMPRESSIONS - very very very thorough and damn well worth the pricetag.

I already have been looking at unique content section and learned some amazing tricks worth their weight...

i have barely been through it all but this is some of the most comprehensive training i have found on these topics and i am glad I jumped on it....

so what dya know ... good good after all


ok well i have spent more time watching the vids and other areas in here....
for the more experienced the bulk of the content wont be new, but that said i have to really give kudos to this.. i know i already did ! but i am just very surprised at the extent of good RECENT info in here for people wanting to play at a high level...

dude knows his shit and much respect...

whether or not the thread violates forum 'regulations' aint really my biz to comment on, but i wil say i am very very glad i picked this up - there is already WAY WAY WAY more than 19 bucks worth of goodness here... and if this is really gonna keep expanding with stuff... its an awesome awesome offering...

again, only for those with the dedication and commitment to really put in the work and resources (frankly in my opinion you do that or die now...if you want to play you need to know what to do and what NOT to do ... not that i want to scare monger cause i have plenty of sites i use for fun and games and mad time experiments... hell i wouldnt enjoy doing any of this crap if i didnt still pull crazy stunts... but you have to balance that out with sills and solid best practices... i dont follow all the same ones as defined by this 'course' i guess i will call it - but it is a hell of a lot of good info for a small price.....

and no i dont even know these guys ... no favors are being done here with me posting this!

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