Increasing Adwords Budget?

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Mar 17, 2008
New York
If you raise your campaign buget too quickly your adwords account goes under review, we all know that. Now if you create a new campaign with a HIGH budget from the start does that also flag your account to go under review?

If you raise your campaign buget too quickly your adwords account goes under review, we all know that. Now if you create a new campaign with a HIGH budget from the start does that also flag your account to go under review?

Yeah, sometimes it does. Making lots of changes will do it too.
If you raise your campaign buget too quickly your adwords account goes under review, we all know that.
What kind of budget raise are you dealing with? I've never had my account put into review from raising the budget soon after creating a campaign.
I recently raised my budget from $400 to $5000 on a campaign with no problems. Account history is probably a factor.
Yeah well as mentioned above it's happening on new accounts I recently opened up. My 1 account with a long history has never been in review status no matter what I do with it.
I think the issue is when budgets are increased by like 1000%, it just seems fishy to google.

My technique has always been to slowly up the budget, every few days increasing it 50%.
ive actually never experienced these account reviews but then again, ive been using the same account for like 4 years.
Is there a way to open an additional adwords account without using my girlfriend's credit card? I suppose I could get a credit card in a company name and open a new adwords account with that, but is there an easier way that I'm not aware of?
Is there a way to open an additional adwords account without using my girlfriend's credit card? I suppose I could get a credit card in a company name and open a new adwords account with that, but is there an easier way that I'm not aware of?

Open one in your Mom's name. Not kidding.
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