Incentivized CPA offers for charities?


New member
Aug 7, 2009
Hey guys,
I am an Entrepreneur and full time blogger and I recently started to work for a charity in Nicaragua. Do any of you know how or if I can get CPA offers to work as donations for oru charity? For example, I can ask the doners to go complete this offer and a certain amount of money will be donated. Can anyone help?

do you have a few minutes to share yoru experience with me? my skype is marc.augustine
i will really like to here what experience you had with this..
Shaz- you are one true bro! Did you make it to ASC?

Yes I did! Just got back actually, had a few friends who were graduating so I stayed back until the weekend was over. Did you make it?

By the way I just noticed my typo as I was in a hurry:

There are ways to do this, we have a few publishers trying it out. CPS campaigns that allow is one way to do this without having it be spammy, which we have and are getting more of.

CPS campaigns that allow incent is a great "non spammy" way for Chuff's idea. Although websites that use charity names or something for a cause and take some profit as well don't usually get a good rapport. I'm not sure how many advertisers would be comfortable with that as well.
UNICEF of all things had a CPA offer for a while. Pixel fired on recurring donation signup and paid out $30
I don't think it'd work, but what I think would work. Not to sure if people are doing this already, basically a referral link people can post on their Facebook wall which would allow them to see how much their friends have donated. Makes the whole thing viral. So long as people are sharing the links under their own free will, you shouldn't have your URL canned by FB.