Incentive Offer tracking ?s

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New member
Nov 29, 2006
Southeast US
I'm throwing around some ideas in my head dealing with incentive based offers.

If you need real-time tracking of incentive offer completion, what do you use? The 2 affiliate networks i've looked at have too much of a delay. I need to know if the offer is completed within a minute. One thing i've thrown around is to look at each offer and identify something on the 'conversion' page to ask the user to respond to. Something like 'What color shirt was the lady wearing when........". However, this is kludgy at best.

How are others handling this? Am I just dealing with the wrong affil networks?

I'm throwing around some ideas in my head dealing with incentive based offers.

If you need real-time tracking of incentive offer completion, what do you use? The 2 affiliate networks i've looked at have too much of a delay. I need to know if the offer is completed within a minute. One thing i've thrown around is to look at each offer and identify something on the 'conversion' page to ask the user to respond to. Something like 'What color shirt was the lady wearing when........". However, this is kludgy at best.

How are others handling this? Am I just dealing with the wrong affil networks?

Several networks have real time tracking on incentive offers. Try Valueclick Media
Most networks using a Direct Track backend can track incentivised offers in real time. You can just append the affiliate link w/ a SubID (or other parameter) and download the CSV report. Or you can track the member real time by implementing a SOAP/API.
There are a good few networks that will track some offers in real time. I agree. Just watch the ones that don't.
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