Incentive CPA

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New member
Jan 15, 2009
Hi, New to the forum. Been a lurker.

Is there any networks that have a heavy focus on incentivizable ads?

Im looking to start a website such as cashcrate and the networks I am in have very little incentive ads.

I run incentives with MaxBounty, XY7, and Azoogle.

With MaxBounty you need to email your incentive site approved before you start running the offers.
why not go to cashcrate or whatever you are going to rip for your site and see what they have. you should be able to find the networks from there.
With MaxBounty you need to email your incentive site approved before you start running the offers.
I'm not sure exactly what you mean here, but you do not need to email your AM to get approval to run incentive sites. If you've been accepted into the network as an incentive affiliate, you have access to all incentivizable campaigns. No special permission is required.

Please contact me if you have any questions about that.

We have over 150 incentive friendly offers. Let me know if you have any questions or need anything.

Hi, New to the forum. Been a lurker.

Is there any networks that have a heavy focus on incentivizable ads?

Im looking to start a website such as cashcrate and the networks I am in have very little incentive ads.

Most networks will only let you run email submits on a cash/point sites now-a-days or free samples. CPS offers got absolutely crushed after cash sites got their hands on them cause the consumers are way more savvy frequenting those sites than say a coreg path.

Cash sites are instant gratification incentivization and the consumers know that. So you end up with a bunch of consumers that buy products to get the cash/points and cancel imediatley before the rebill, in turn leaving merchants with FUBARed merchant accounts.

Percieved gratification like a coreg path, ''entering to win an ipod'' has for the most part, middle america blue collar consumers that are not as savy as the cash/point crowd and forget to cancel the rebill.

I say still go for it, there is money to be made, but a ton of them out there, like t-shirt sites.
I'm not sure exactly what you mean here, but you do not need to email your AM to get approval to run incentive sites. If you've been accepted into the network as an incentive affiliate, you have access to all incentivizable campaigns. No special permission is required.

Please contact me if you have any questions about that.
Oh yeah... sorry for the confusion, I already had a non incentive account so I did have to email my AM to get my account switched to incentive.
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