Improving Email Submit Conversions in Facebook and Google Adwords


New member
May 8, 2009
Hey Guys just a few questions:

1. I am trying to get an answer about this...messaged Google Adwords a few times but not getting a clear answer on this: Can I directly link a livechatagent software to a google adwords ad? For example the ad will say something like...Connect with a live agent now and get qualified for this offer....and on click the chat software pops up (which is html based) and says something like Enter your full name...and a button bellow saying qualify now. Is this allowed? If it isn't allowed in Google is it allowed on Facebook?

Any thoughts on using livechatsoftware to improve email submit conversions? For Example the fields I'm looking to gain are full name, email, and phone number and thats it - through a nice casual chat....just not sure of what sequence of events I will be using.

The reason why I thought this way would be good is because I have minimum budget for advertising and I wanted to take advantage of every click I get through the live chat software.

For something like this - should I test it with a CPC or CPM campaign and which platform would be better? How would I calibrate from the two? Facebook or Adwords?

I'd really appreciate if someone showed me this stuff - I will even pay for an in depth consult for a few hours. We can do it through teamviewer. Any information will be greatly appreciated.

"Seems just fine" - so Vague

you can't.


Thank you for your email. I gather that you would like your ad to link
directly to a live chat agent and not to a website.

As far as I see it, that seems just fine and not in violation of any
policy. Since the ultimate purpose of the chat agent is to help the user
and is providing exactly what is stated in the ad, I don't think you
should face any problem. Nevertheless, I encourage you to continue to read
through our policies to ensure complete compliance -
Overview - AdWords Help

Let me know if there is anything else that I may assist you with.


Valene V.
The Google AdWords Team
Adwords will give you mixed answers. The only way to know is to throw it up and see if it works.

For Facebook, unless your ad is VERY relevant to your demographics, and has a huge CTR, id recommend starting with CPC.

Hope that helps

Adwords will give you mixed answers. The only way to know is to throw it up and see if it works.

For Facebook, unless your ad is VERY relevant to your demographics, and has a huge CTR, id recommend starting with CPC.

Hope that helps

Hi thanks for the help - just curious...I clicked on your ad for beo that your company?