Improve This Site's Bounce Rate


New member
Aug 29, 2011
I've got this site and I can't improve the bounce rate, this month it's on average 65% with 2.15 pages/per visit.

I've attached a screen shot of the basic design, help, what can I add?

website bounce rate.jpg

add boobs...

Here, I fix for you:

I'm sure an attractive woman relevantly and appropriately placed would but how could I go about that? It's not an adult site so I can't just show some girl plugging away.
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dont write content that sucks - seriously. take a look at your competition and see what they are offering that you are not. then get your girlfriends opinion, or someone who's brain isn't tainted by 20 ad copy books and ask them their opinion. you can get an extremely solid opinion of how your site really comes across by doing that, srsly.

attractive women, attractive men - happy people in general. big fucking call to actions. people want to be told what to do. so tell them what to do, on every page.

where are your visitors bouncing FROM? is it your red-square-25-widgets.php page? If so compare that page to your comp and fluff it up. this is the part where being a bad ass coder does not come into play. 2.15 pages per visit doesnt mean shit unless we know how many pages you have. if you have 3 pages then you are doing great.

good luck amigo. read cashvertising then read it again.

Follow the following steps to improve the bounce rate of a website:

1. Inconsistent and irrelevant content copy.

2. Design:So think about the design carefully, your design influences your website performance.

3. Loading time. Improving your website’s speed will improve the performance including bounce rate as well as how Google sees your website along with other factors.

4. Third party content. Ads, videos, music, popup’s, those can all increase the bounce rate. Reduce the no of Ads, videos, music, popup’s in the website.

5. High number of external links. lowering the number of external links and making sure the ads as well as external links open up in new tabs will reduce your bounce rate.

6. The last one is the purpose of the page. So depending on the purpose of the page and the reason for the search this can end up in a bounce from the page.

classifieds php
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dont write content that sucks - seriously. take a look at your competition and see what they are offering that you are not. then get your girlfriends opinion, or someone who's brain isn't tainted by 20 ad copy books and ask them their opinion. you can get an extremely solid opinion of how your site really comes across by doing that, srsly.

attractive women, attractive men - happy people in general. big fucking call to actions. people want to be told what to do. so tell them what to do, on every page.

where are your visitors bouncing FROM? is it your red-square-25-widgets.php page? If so compare that page to your comp and fluff it up. this is the part where being a bad ass coder does not come into play. 2.15 pages per visit doesnt mean shit unless we know how many pages you have. if you have 3 pages then you are doing great.

good luck amigo. read cashvertising then read it again.
Best advice in this thread....
From what you posted it looks like it needs some design help. PM me the url and I'll help you out. If you need some custom design I'll hook you up.
dont write content that sucks - seriously. take a look at your competition and see what they are offering that you are not. then get your girlfriends opinion, or someone who's brain isn't tainted by 20 ad copy books and ask them their opinion. you can get an extremely solid opinion of how your site really comes across by doing that, srsly.

attractive women, attractive men - happy people in general. big fucking call to actions. people want to be told what to do. so tell them what to do, on every page.

where are your visitors bouncing FROM? is it your red-square-25-widgets.php page? If so compare that page to your comp and fluff it up. this is the part where being a bad ass coder does not come into play. 2.15 pages per visit doesnt mean shit unless we know how many pages you have. if you have 3 pages then you are doing great.

good luck amigo. read cashvertising then read it again.

Sound advice, cheers.

It's just over 25 pages. It's the home page that I want to improve simply because it gets the large majority of traffic and is the highest landing page.

All traffic I get is extremely relevant so having a 65% bounce rate just doesn't make sense. It's an informational site by the way, I've crossed assessed it with similiar sites and my content is better in terms of both information and readability.

Don't think there are many opportunities to squeeze in any attractive pictures of men or women, but I'll definitely try some clear calls to action.
I was reading a wso yesterday covering this exact concern and it discussed having items that visitors can interact with, i.e. poll questions, etc. I do alot of marketing with Squidoo pages and have pretty good bounce rates on these pages because this platform offers some good options to address visitor involvement and participation.

Obviously relevancy and good content will go a long way.