Impression on Facebook and MySpace...


Rape and Pillage Canada!
Dec 24, 2008
Las Vegas
So I'm a little baffled. I'm using both Facebook and MySpace to promote a CPL. The targeting is pretty much the same on both sites and I keep it targeted to around 200,000 people. When I run it on Facebook I have no problem getting impression. 15-20 thousand in a relativly short period. Now when I run it on MySpace, it takes me half a day to break 1000 impressions.

I've tested every thing I can think of when it comes to MySpace and I just can't seem to get the impression there like I do on Facebook. I was just wondering if anyone could clue me in on why there's such a difference between the two and if there is anything I can do to get more eyes on my ads in MySpace?

That's just myspace for ya, and bidding higher doesn't really seem to garner more impressions. You can try CPM, but I can pretty much guarantee you your CTR will go to complete shit.
Yeah, I've tried 8 or so different offers on here, each offer had 10 or so different ads all with different targeting and I can't seem to get more than 5,000 impressions a day. Fucking sucks...
just gotta get that money CTR dude.. i usually start off with maybe a penny higher than the suggested bid to make sure i get impressions but they def cut you off faster than facebook it seem if your CTR sucks.. anything above .09 and you should be doing pretty well..

just gotta play around with it a lot but ive gotten to the point where i can get some decent impressions even targeting small demo's 500,00 and less.. (more like 100,00-200,00 users on average)..

hardest part is finding the right offer..
Good luck. My Account Manager says that if my eCPM is .18+, I will get impressions. I don't. I have plenty of ads that are .3%CTR and have CPMs of .75+ and I still won't get impressions. I've setup CPM campaigns at .18 and .22, and I will get impressions, but my CTRs go to hell, all sub .1%
assuming your ad is competitive enough, it's possible that the demo you're bidding on is being sold on a guaranteed CPM basis and that the inventory just isn't there.

too many moving parts to really know what's going on of course.
Good luck. My Account Manager says that if my eCPM is .18+, I will get impressions. I don't. I have plenty of ads that are .3%CTR and have CPMs of .75+ and I still won't get impressions. I've setup CPM campaigns at .18 and .22, and I will get impressions, but my CTRs go to hell, all sub .1%

(cool to see another KY guy on here hopin UK kicks UNC's ass)

on topic though my CTR's on good ads are in the .2-.8 range and some ive managed to get upwards of 1% pretty sweet and much cheaper compared to facebook.. i use .09% as a general rule of thumb anything below that is instantly scrapped..

not sure what level of impressions you guys are looking for but a few other things ive noticed are pausing and restarting sometimes seems to help or even deleting and activating a campaign which i actually did today after i got tired of waiting on the impressions to come back. but honestly if you wanna get more impressions just make more campaigns with identical ad copy or close to it..

I'm still really newb at myads and most PPC in general but ive noticed some of the things i mentioned above help.. but i'm seeing quite a few variations between campaigns i may have to give my rep a call, if i get any good info ill post it up..
So I'm a little baffled. I'm using both Facebook and MySpace to promote a CPL. The targeting is pretty much the same on both sites and I keep it targeted to around 200,000 people. When I run it on Facebook I have no problem getting impression. 15-20 thousand in a relativly short period. Now when I run it on MySpace, it takes me half a day to break 1000 impressions.

I've tested every thing I can think of when it comes to MySpace and I just can't seem to get the impression there like I do on Facebook. I was just wondering if anyone could clue me in on why there's such a difference between the two and if there is anything I can do to get more eyes on my ads in MySpace?
Your targeted population is way too low. It doesn't really even matter at that point what your bid price is, you're not going to have a big enough population on myspace to get enough impressions.

Hi WF, this is my first post.
Your targeted population is way too low. It doesn't really even matter at that point what your bid price is, you're not going to have a big enough population on myspace to get enough impressions.

Hi WF, this is my first post.

How is it then that I can target even less people on Facebook and receive exponentially more impressions? I was under the impression that the only real way you can get social media to work is by ultra targeting. I can't really target more than I am now otherwise I will be forced to target people that are not in my ideal demographic. Basically, if I had to step it up even more, I would have to start targeting men when the offer is for women.

And welcome! Way to contribute with your first post instead of making another fucking retarded introduction thread. "OH HAI WICKEDFIREZ! SHOW ME HOW TO MAKE DEM MONIES PREASE!" ......Fuck!
How is it then that I can target even less people on Facebook and receive exponentially more impressions? I was under the impression that the only real way you can get social media to work is by ultra targeting. I can't really target more than I am now otherwise I will be forced to target people that are not in my ideal demographic. Basically, if I had to step it up even more, I would have to start targeting men when the offer is for women.

And welcome! Way to contribute with your first post instead of making another fucking retarded introduction thread. "OH HAI WICKEDFIREZ! SHOW ME HOW TO MAKE DEM MONIES PREASE!" ......Fuck!

Haha thanks.

My experience is that when you are targeting, MyAds gives you the "potential" targeted population, i.e. how many accounts fit into that targeted range. That doesn't necessarily mean those people are logging in and getting impressions during your timeframe. Anecdotally (sp) I know that Myspace pageviews have leveled off, which isn't true with Facebook. So while there technically might be 200k accounts fitting your targeting range, that doesn't mean you'll see that many impressions - that doesn't mean all of those people are going to be logging into Myspace on those days.

I've had good experience on Myspace running five or eight campaigns using the exact same criteria. I'm assuming they optimize based on eCPM but I don't know how sophisticated they are with their testing on what's a good campaign. Have you tried running the same campaign multiple times at the same time? I'll run five of the same campaign, and then see which one "sticks" - it seems completely arbitrary but it's worth the extra set up time for the other four campaigns mirroring the same targeting/price points. My frustration with them has been not being able to see which pages they're showing my impressions.

Also, if you have the time, please lay out a comprehensive plan for me to make the monies without any effort. Thanks