Importing Large Goods from China


Claptrap Overlord
Nov 24, 2007
Does any one here have any experience importing good from China?

My dads family is doing a huge Christmas this year and there will be 12 kids between 3 and 9. I'm hoping to import that many 49cc ATVs for gifts.

They are dirt cheap, but I don't know anything about the import process. When they ship them do I pick them up at a port? What kind of fees do you pay on arrival? Etc.

Completely new to this so if you have any experience I'd love if you'd share.


Christmas planning now? Wow well if you like to be prepared.

Tbh no nothing about US customs but I assume that you will pay customs fee based on motorcycle and the value that is printed.

good thing to keep in mind if they are shipped with plane, they are not allowed to contain any fluids, oil, coolant, gasoline. So do not try an start them straight away ;)

I'm assuming it's a long process. I'd like to order one, assess it's quality, and then order the rest if it's acceptable.
What brands are they as much of chinese bikes look quite fine on first look, but just use them a little bit and ride them a bit rough. Then all small screws and other tiny object will start to shake and move around. I know it sounds cool and tempting to give it to all the kids, and I assume that they might get bored of it quick as well. But if you want to give to a kid who wants to ride so will he grow out of it quick and you might get bored fixing it.

Are they up to emission standards in your state and federally? I imported a few Vespas years ago. They were 25+ years old, so they were exempt from the smog regulations. If they aren't already sold in the US, they might not be up to US emissions standards.

There are companies that help with the paperwork. I can't remember their name, though. I picked up my Vespas at a shipping company near the airport. The fees were negligible for my scooters.

If the ATV's aren't up to federal standards, just have a couple illegal aliens drive them across the border. No problemo, amigo.

Edit: Just found this:

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates imports of off-road engines, equipment, and vehicles (i.e. lawn, garden, and construction equipment, All Terrain Vehicles (ATV), snowmobiles). All imports of these items must conform to U.S. emissions standards. Items that do not conform to U.S. standards must be imported by an Independent Commercial Importer (ICI), and will not be cleared through U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) until they meet U.S. standards.

To obtain CBP clearance, you must submit a completed EPA form 3520-21 to CBP along with your entry summary (CBP 7501) and/or the bill of sale and lading. Commercial imports of these items require a formal entry and all of those documents must be submitted to CBP along with a Customs bond. Customs bonds can be obtained from a surety company. You can obtain a list of approved sureties on Treasury's Financial Management Service's Website- the list is identified as Circular 570.

Conforming personal imports of these items may be cleared informally without a bond, but you must still present the bill of sale and lading (if shipped), and EPA form 3520-21 must be presented to CBP upon entry.

Formal and informal entries must be filed within 15 days of the goods arrival; otherwise they will be forwarded to a general order warehouse (G.O.) and are subject to being auctioned off after 6 months. atv/suggested/1
Does any one here have any experience importing good from China?

My dads family is doing a huge Christmas this year and there will be 12 kids between 3 and 9. I'm hoping to import that many 49cc ATVs for gifts.

They are dirt cheap, but I don't know anything about the import process. When they ship them do I pick them up at a port? What kind of fees do you pay on arrival? Etc.

Completely new to this so if you have any experience I'd love if you'd share.

Thanks! - Online Shopping for Electronics, Fashion, Home & Garden, Toys & Sports, Automobiles from China.
Prices are usually FOB (freight on board) meaning you need to handle shipping from China to a port near you, forwarding and any import tariffs. Find out what import tariffs apply, which port the supplier will deliver to and research shipping agents from there..

I don't know US legislation but I wouldn't think emissions would apply if the vehicle is being used off-road? That said, most Chinese engines are (badly built) Honda clones anyway, so should be OK regardless. Bare in mind they will be shipped flat and require final construction/testing your end. +1 to onkelmicha's advice, too, from first-hand experience ;)

Hope this helps
Thanks guys. I sent out a request to two different sellers on Alibaba about ordering a sample unit. Worst case I end up with a single over priced (after fees and such) knockoff atv I guess.
An important note, if you ever work with UPS,DHL or any other private shipping company, you are most likely to pay fees in addition to the actual cost of you product.

This is the case for almost all kind of goods.
i am going back to china in May...i didn't notice the prices being much different for these things though.
it'll take a while, I think he's pretty alright with going into the process now, the customs will need clearence before shipping out and then on arrival again.
You gotta check customs though beforehand
the import tax in the end is going to cost you and a variable.

i bring almost all my product from china some i find on the 1688 (chinese version of alibaba) I helped a friend do some electric scooters to italy once, was a disaster at customs in italy, but good product.
the specialized stores are good, but may have no idea about customs taxes
those doing everything you going to have easier way of handling, but may run into quality problems in the product.

ps, check their bulk prices.
Sometimes they really funny. Say 12 units 4000$ 25 units 5000$
I know you just need 12 but why not have your gifts financed if they're really
"dirt cheap" compared to the US
ps not sure if this works, emissions came to mind reading previous posts.
but if you have problems on the sample unit, import in parts and not as vehicle that'll be fine.

also i'd check the corrosion on the handles, being for kids and stuff.
I'm confused. If you want to buy a mini-ATV from China, just go down to your local Walmart and pick one up. Take a look at the label, and probably says "Made in China".

Once you're done with transportation and customs fees, whatever Walmart is selling them for is probably going to be the same if not cheaper than you're going to get them.
Find a custom broker, ask all these questions. All companies have them, find your supplier in china, check shipping method and you will know what you will have to deal with. Air shipping from China,most of the times DHL is cheapest if you want it quick. I order large quantities,so price is different. Remember,price on the invoice is what you pay for custom fees, make sure your custom invoice state ~30% from the real price if possible. Gift shipping is also an opportunity to save some money
I'm confused. If you want to buy a mini-ATV from China, just go down to your local Walmart and pick one up. Take a look at the label, and probably says "Made in China".

Once you're done with transportation and customs fees, whatever Walmart is selling them for is probably going to be the same if not cheaper than you're going to get them.

I was thinking the same thing, because 12 units not going to get you any bulk prices
it really depends on what he wants, I thought he might be looking at some unique units not found on walmart (power or looks)

but yeah if it's just a normal quad, & you couldn't care less, I'd go with kiopa matt on this one.
Not going to beat walmart or any large retailer for that matter.
I was thinking the same thing, because 12 units not going to get you any bulk prices
it really depends on what he wants, I thought he might be looking at some unique units not found on walmart (power or looks)

but yeah if it's just a normal quad, & you couldn't care less, I'd go with kiopa matt on this one.
Not going to beat walmart or any large retailer for that matter.

Even assuming I pay a 100% more than the per unit rate, I'm still at ~half of what I'd pay from one of the sellers state side (they run around $500-600). I'm not talking about those little plastic electric things they sell at walmart, these are actual gas powered ATVs.

I got my first response.


I'm just trying to save some money really. There are ~ 50 people that'll be coming, and I figure if I set a bunch of ATVs out for all the kids, that'll cover my gift obligation, without having to buy shit for everyone which is a)a pain and b) much more expensive.

May not work out, we'll see.
There are ~ 50 people that'll be coming, and I figure if I set a bunch of ATVs out for all the kids, that'll cover my gift obligation, without having to buy shit for everyone which is a)a pain and b) much more expensive.
This idea is a very flamboyant way to do Christmas gift-giving. You should realize there are practical considerations involved in this plan.

I saw there's an insurance obligation for ATV vehicles, so you'll have to get that beforehand for all the vehicles. The ATV owners will have to buy insurance for as long as they own them.

How will your guests transport the vehicles to their homes? Will you provide a shipping service?

Gassing them up means you'll have to transport 50+ gallons of gasoline to your residence. Transporting this much gas in open containers may not be legal. Not sure.

Some US states require a motorcycle certification on a license to drive these legally.

Sorry to be a killjoy. I hope I didn't spoil the fun.
Is that insurance obligation still there for if they're 100% used off road?
I dunno, I'm not an insurance expert in any way. You probably need it as a requirement for ownership. My car sits in the driveway most of the time, but I still have to insure it to drive it.

I also wonder how people who live in city apartments would store their ATV. Will they have to buy a parking space for it, and would there be a place to drive it?