Immigration Reform


Lead Sales - Call Center
Oct 14, 2009
los angeles
So what does everyone think of the subject?

How do you feel about a guest worker program?

How do you feel about a path to citizenship to the millions here illegally?'

I'm mexican and I personally feel we should send a majority of illegal immigrant's back home if they cant prove some positive worth to the community.

But to uproot people who are just working in most likely very low skilled repetitive work , I dont think makes any sense.

I really feel immigration reform should stop being a call word for racist remarks or specific cultural prefrences and empathy but more of a conversation on what to do with our border. what to do with all the people here. and how this is going to specifically benefit the American business owner.

Cheap labor is something you can profit on.

Amnesty has nothing to do with immigration, compassion, or any other such bullshit.

It's about the Democrat Party instituting one-party rule for the next 40 years.

If they pull it off, you can kiss our two-party system goodbye.
Amnesty has nothing to do with immigration, compassion, or any other such bullshit.

It's about the Democrat Party instituting one-party rule for the next 40 years.

If they pull it off, you can kiss our two-party system goodbye.

I believe this is the root of their agenda. To keep, and grow control. The bailouts were one step, healthcare another step, and immigration will be one of the next steps - and I honestly believe whether it's democrats or republicans, there is one single controlling entity behind both parties that has/wants the ultimate control. I know it sounds strangely tinfoil hat'ish, but it's just a gut feeling.
I believe this is the root of their agenda. To keep, and grow control. The bailouts were one step, healthcare another step, and immigration will be one of the next steps - and I honestly believe whether it's democrats or republicans, there is one single controlling entity behind both parties that has/wants the ultimate control. I know it sounds strangely tinfoil hat'ish, but it's just a gut feeling.

Its not tinfol hatish at all. People need to wake the fuck up.

You know they call us fucking crazy but they just passed a bill that is going to take 1/6 of the economy and put it in the hands of the government, and elite trash. Its fucking crazy, and people need to wake up or were done for.

As for immigrants they will come up for free care, while you and me wait.
Its not tinfol hatish at all. People need to wake the fuck up.

You know they call us fucking crazy but they just passed a bill that is going to take 1/6 of the economy and put it in the hands of the government, and elite trash. Its fucking crazy, and people need to wake up or were done for.

As for immigrants they will come up for free care, while you and me wait.

can you keep the health care crap out of this convo. this ones about calling me a spic eventually not a nazi lol
It's all a ploy to gain massive pwoer. Bush also tried this. Both parties figure if they can make the illegals legal, they will always vote for the party that made them legal.

There is more to it this time around. The Obama admin has three major pieces of legislation they want to pass: health care, immigration reform, cap and trade. If they pass two out of the three, America is finished and will turn the corner to socialism - full fledge socialism. They have one out of the three now - health care (cap and trade was passed in the house only).

Immigration reform will be on the table next, probably in a couple of months. If Obama can get one out of those two remaining - Goddnight AmeriKa.
After going through the time and expense of the legal immigration process with my foreign wife, I think that everyone in the country illegally should be deported. I don't care what job they are doing.

There is currently a 23 year waiting list of Filipinos sponsored by siblings that are U.S. citizens. Applications made in late 1987 are now being processed. Why should people that are here illegally be rewarded with priority over those waiting 20+ years to enter the country the legal way?
I believe this is the root of their agenda. To keep, and grow control. The bailouts were one step, healthcare another step, and immigration will be one of the next steps - and I honestly believe whether it's democrats or republicans, there is one single controlling entity behind both parties that has/wants the ultimate control. I know it sounds strangely tinfoil hat'ish, but it's just a gut feeling.

That's the fucking truth. These bastards all work together. If the two party system isn't destroyed, we're all fucked. Congress I think is obviously more important than the fucking President.
Do you vote regularly for independent candidates, then? If you're not actively contributing to the disruption of our two-party system, you're proliferating it. I'm'just'sayin'.

When the independent candidate can speak to one of my pains and provide a solution , I am all for it.

I have a deep respect for the libertarian party and Ron Pauls mission. I just wish he would stay away from prisonplanet...

I've been a strong supporter of states right here in California , and have put myself in the front lines of marijuana legalization.

I feel the end of prohibition will fix our economy and end the drug war in Mexico.

Thus ending the need for coming here

The immigration problems in the united states are directly connected to the state of affairs down stuff.

When your #1 industry is a complete black market the honest hardworking fucks get no where..
I honestly believe whether it's democrats or republicans, there is one single controlling entity behind both parties that has/wants the ultimate control.

Your own theory doesn't make sense. If there is the same entity behind both parties, why would one(the Dems) be trying to get power over the other one(the Repubs). This "both parties are controlled by the same person" bullshit is nonsense. The Dems are out of control and dangerous. The Repubs are like flimsy brakes on this runaway train. And if they pass amnesty, which I'm virtually certain these criminals will, the Dems will be in total control. TOTAL. Then you guys can bitch about how there's no difference between the two parties.