IMers and Real Estate Investment!


New member
Aug 14, 2009
I think RE Investment complements our primary business perfectly. Obviously lower cash on cash returns, but very stable and sells for multiples of gross (try to get that with your shitty BH sites!). Also low maintenance if your numbers can support property management

Is anyone an RE investor? How's it been doing IM while building your RE portfolio?

Im willing to bet most IMers dont have enough to buy their own house let alone have a portfolio of real estate investments.
Im willing to bet most IMers dont have enough to buy their own house let alone have a portfolio of real estate investments.

Hello friend,

Wickedfire is different. I think most wickedfire member who live America or Europe are millionaire.

Some like Ryan Eagle, mgrunin, Jonathon Volk, Nicky Cake, and ly2 even have tens or hundreds of millions.

Good luck bro
I started putting my internetz money into properties in 2008. In 2010, I got my G ban and decided to do dedicate most of my time to real estate versus further computer work. Up to about 120 units now (mostly single family houses).

The models definitely compliment each other very well, but here are my comments:

1. Taxes are much better and more flexible
2. Things move a lot slower
3. There are tons of "verticals"
4. RE is much (much much...) more capital intensive
5. Leverage is easier achieved with RE

The RE forums aren't near as fun as WickedFire, but at least they don't dickroll me there.
I started putting my internetz money into properties in 2008. In 2010, I got my G ban and decided to do dedicate most of my time to real estate versus further computer work. Up to about 120 units now (mostly single family houses).

The models definitely compliment each other very well, but here are my comments:

1. Taxes are much better and more flexible
2. Things move a lot slower
3. There are tons of "verticals"
4. RE is much (much much...) more capital intensive
5. Leverage is easier achieved with RE

The RE forums aren't near as fun as WickedFire, but at least they don't dickroll me there.
how much money would you need to get started if you were to pursue it full time and have no other source of income?
how much money would you need to get started if you were to pursue it full time and have no other source of income?
I don't really think there is an answer to that question. You can start with $0. You would have to pursue short-term activities (bird dogging, wholesaling, etc).

In 2008, I started with about 30k and injected tons of cash from my other businesses (computer related) into holding properties.

It also depends a lot on where you live. In the rust belt states you can buy a free an clear house for real cheap.