- brilliant

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New member
Nov 24, 2008
Stumbled across the fact that I am an idiot.

This site is a "content" site where every article is built around CPA offers. I've seen paid article placement but this is the first site that I've seen that is made up completely of paid placement.

Cool approach to promote CPA if you have the time/resources to put it together.

btw - this is not my site nor am I affiliated with it in any way. just thought it was a cool promotion example. they take advertising as well which I assume is just paid article placement.
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Ban for outing a site full of landing pages??

I must say I've seen their display ads and I thought they were exceptionally well done. Just didn't want to post about it, due to the 'outing' policy here.
Ban for outing a site full of landing pages??

You're fucking joking, right? Go to and click ARA ads dickhead.

Here, I'll "out" some more:

Step 1: Search Google, click ads.
Step 2: Search Yahoo!, click ads
Step 3: Search MSN, click ads
Step 4: Go to, click ads
Step 5: Go to, click ads
Step 6: Go to your Yahoo! Mail account and refresh, click ads
Step 7: Go to Hotmail and refresh, click ads

When you're done, why don't you think about doing some posts that are actually helpful.
You're fucking joking, right? Go to and click ARA ads dickhead.

Here, I'll "out" some more:

Step 1: Search Google, click ads.
Step 2: Search Yahoo!, click ads
Step 3: Search MSN, click ads
Step 4: Go to, click ads
Step 5: Go to, click ads
Step 6: Go to your Yahoo! Mail account and refresh, click ads
Step 7: Go to Hotmail and refresh, click ads

When you're done, why don't you think about doing some posts that are actually helpful.

Hey you mouthy bitch, show a little respect.

Did you stop to wonder why your post has had such little response? Outing sites and landing pages is #1 on the bannable offense list here, with abuse of the titty icon close behind, so no one wants to touch this shit with a 10 foot pole. It doesn't matter where the site advertises in the wild, we don't fucking talk about it here. Understand?
Hey you mouthy bitch, show a little respect.

Did you stop to wonder why your post has had such little response? Outing sites and landing pages is #1 on the bannable offense list here, with abuse of the titty icon close behind, so no one wants to touch this shit with a 10 foot pole. It doesn't matter where the site advertises in the wild, we don't fucking talk about it here. Understand?

First off, fuck you.

Second, anyone who bitches about landing page styles being known and copied is wasting their time. It's inevitable and a permanent part of this business. Get used to it.

There are so many other elements of a campaign that defeat people who copy, it's a non issue for people who know what they're doing.

If my first post is considered "outing" by someone who actually matters here, so be it. My bad. Please delete.

ugh, i was hoping that site was going to be my team's little secre

Secret, are you fucking kidding? That shit's all over some of the largest sites on the web.
Considering it's not a landing page really (it's adsense) I'm inclined not to ban.
That and they have piss poor traffic.

this is an LP, just because the content is in multiple categories and it has branding and doesn't look like a shoddy flog, doesn't mean it isn't one. the adsense blocks are one component of it. it should be removed.

and to the OP who fucking cares that you've seen it everywhere, there are plenty of sites that are more popular and should not be outed.
agreed. remove the thread or atleast the url.

this is an LP, just because the content is in multiple categories and it has branding and doesn't look like a shoddy flog, doesn't mean it isn't one. the adsense blocks are one component of it. it should be removed.

and to the OP who fucking cares that you've seen it everywhere, there are plenty of sites that are more popular and should not be outed.
This is definitely a landing page. However, it's one done by a major ad network whose main business is advertising using content articles. (The adsense is just extra). The links on that site are not your typical affiliate links, they are advertiser's links from companies that are using AdFusion's article marketing network.
At the very least, this shit should be posted in the aff forum. It has nothing to do with STS, it is 100% industry/business related.
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