I'm sad to report - we lost a WF Member...


Mar 7, 2007
Edit by .Hack. Remove the bananas and changed to Danc 1122 even though it still links to same page. Didn't want his name linking back to here


As many of you know, I pretty much post to fuck all on this forum, however it is with great sympathy that I report this information...I am truly sorry to report this news, however one of our own - Danc1122 was killed in a car accident last weekend. Daniel was only 19 years old and was an absolute credit to this forum and an exceptional AM for his young age.

Daniel was from my home town. I didn't really spend time with him personally, however I did hang out with his father on the weekends at our local bar over beers and football pool picks. I recall his dad saying that he could not believe how much bank this kid was making and remarked on the number of trips he made to hook up with other AM's. Perhaps Daniel may have spent time with a number of you folks.

At any rate, l got the majority of this information 2nd hand. There are a number of accounts being tossed around as to how it all went down, however I'm not going to present this to the forum. I did see his dad today and could not really bring myself to quizzing him on the details.

Da:banana_sml:niel And:banana_sml:rew Cla:banana_sml:rk - Wickedfire Member, Affiliate Marketer...RIP bro...

Some details and guestbook:

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Holy shit.

He helped me out big time about a year ago when I was starting on some new projects. I actually just IM'ed him either today or yesterday to say thank you. No joke.

RIP Brotha
Damn, that sucks. I thought this was going to be about jizzlobber joking around about his dog having their testicles removed or something.

Daniel had offered to help me with some things in the past. Still a teenager, wow.
Didn't know him too much, but holy shit RIP. I know he was doing very well for himself, played with him a couple times on 360. Ever have that holy shit moment and you just think to yourself wow, did this really happen?