I'm not saying it was a zombie....but...

HKSEO Rotzee

New member
Apr 10, 2011
I'm not saying it was a zombie....but...this guy was acting very...bath salty/zombie like lol.

I was driving home, around 10pm and this guy was literally in the middle of the highway, spinning around in circles, staring at sky...wtf? I drove by him doing 75mph and he didn't budge, I had to move into the other lane to not hit him.

Please, please, please...next time decapitate his head and burn his body just to be sure.
Man, it was like that. But he was just spinning and looking at sky. And the high way I was on, was beltway 8. The speed limit is like 70mph not 35 or whateve that was. People were flying by him and it was night and hard to see him. He was a white guy wearing black pants and a black shirt.

Yeah, I don't know what it is about PCP. But it seems a lot of people that are high off it seem to run into the middle of the streets, shouting at imaginary things. Sometimes cause mayhem, and sometimes fully naked. Like that shit does not let you stay in the house at all.

That, or he was legitimately suicidal or something. One does not do that whilst sober or sane.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tozzTaF9IHc]Guy looses it on PCP- Marina Del Rey - 9.10.11 - YouTube[/ame]

He was a white guy wearing black pants and a black shirt.

At least he wasn't black himself. That would've been the end of him.
Yeah, I don't know what it is about PCP. But it seems a lot of people that are high off it seem to run into the middle of the streets, shouting at imaginary things. Sometimes cause mayhem, and sometimes fully naked. Like that shit does not let you stay in the house at all.

That, or he was legitimately suicidal or something. One does not do that whilst sober or sane.

Guy looses it on PCP- Marina Del Rey - 9.10.11 - YouTube

Wow, what an idiot. I would of choked that guy unconscious. Running around scaring old people and banging cars like that, what an asshole.
Wow, what an idiot. I would of choked that guy unconscious. Running around scaring old people and banging cars like that, what an asshole.

I would've ran his ass over. But knowing he's on drugs, he'd just get right back up and continue. He could probably take shots to the body, true zombie.

The end though lol. Random guy pulls up, "Alright, shows over. Let's go home."
Texas is the wrong place for the zombie/bath salt epedimic to kick off. I don't know too many friends that don't carry pistols in their cars. Especially with that new law that passed that lets even non CHL holders carry a loaded gun, within reach in your car at all times and even at work in the parking lot.

No permits needed. If you can buy it, you can carry it in your car loaded.
Texas is the wrong place for the zombie/bath salt epedimic to kick off. I don't know too many friends that don't carry pistols in their cars. Especially with that new law that passed that lets even non CHL holders carry a loaded gun, within reach in your car at all times and even at work in the parking lot.

No permits needed. If you can buy it, you can carry it in your car loaded.

True Story, and not just one either.
Yeah, I don't know what it is about PCP. But it seems a lot of people that are high off it seem to run into the middle of the streets, shouting at imaginary things. Sometimes cause mayhem, and sometimes fully naked. Like that shit does not let you stay in the house at all.

That, or he was legitimately suicidal or something. One does not do that whilst sober or sane.

Guy looses it on PCP- Marina Del Rey - 9.10.11 - YouTube

At least he wasn't black himself. That would've been the end of him.

Someone should have shot the piece of shit.