I'm not connecting the dots..


New member
Jul 8, 2009
cleveland, OH
Is there a newbie forum for the newbie forum?

I've spent a week on here reading all these articles, some journals(lemons was helpful) and a lot of the guides in the stickies.

My main question is where exactly do you start?

I understand the basic niche, web site, content, traffic, etc but who is connecting the dots in the background when you do all this to give you the money from CPC or sales.

Like am I missing a sticky that explains to me I have to sign up with an affiliate program and thats who pays me for stuff or do you build the web site then add stuff to get paid...

I'm probably missing the most basic common sense thing here so sorry if this sounds fucking retarded.

Yes, you sign up for different affiliate networks and promote their offers on your website.

Some good affiliate networks are: a4d, Copeac, and c2m.
There are actually many ways to start. I would look at my budget first. Do you have one and if so how much. $$$ determines your options to choose from.

I.E. Directory submissions (quality known directories) take money, like yahoo is $299USD /year to be listed but gives your site great link juice.

No budget, do you have a hosting account and site already?

YES = signup for affiliate programs, cpa networks and place ads that are relevant to your sites content through the site being careful not to make it spammy. Promote it EVERYWHERE.

NO = Do not have a site, no hosting account where as to place one. Signup for accounts @ Squidoo, Hubpages, WetPaint etc. Build content rich informational pages at these sites with links to your affiliate product / cpa offers etc.

Promote these sites (s if there were your own) EVERYWHERE! Blogs, directories, forums,seo, social media, web 2.0 site etc.
Thanks all. The newbie guide pretty much laid it out for me.

As far as budget goes..I don't have a "set" budget yet. I make 55k/yr at my 9-5 job so I'm just going to start on this and take it from there.

I don't think I'm going to spend 299 out the gate for yahoo until I get more experience on wtf I'm doing.
Alright, more questions.

1) You pick an Aff to work with and get approved by. On their application they ask for the web site and what product you're trying to sell. But don't you figure that out after you sign up with an Aff to see what you want to use as yoru niche?

2) Budget. My budget can range from 100-1,000. I'm confused though as what people say they spend money on. I know the basics like host server, software, etc but the "campaign" you spend money on advertising and per clicks?

Can someone explain to me in detail on what you mean you spend money per clicks and who you're paying to advertise/how?
Alright, more questions.

1) You pick an Aff to work with and get approved by. On their application they ask for the web site and what product you're trying to sell. But don't you figure that out after you sign up with an Aff to see what you want to use as yoru niche?

2) Budget. My budget can range from 100-1,000. I'm confused though as what people say they spend money on. I know the basics like host server, software, etc but the "campaign" you spend money on advertising and per clicks?

Can someone explain to me in detail on what you mean you spend money per clicks and who you're paying to advertise/how?

I think you need to do some more reading :hollering:

1) Signup and tell them you are a pay per click marketer and that you don't have a static website because you promote many different offers. Just be honest with them, tell them you're somewhat new and that you heard about them on wickedfire and you shouldn't have any problems. If they reject you, call back and ask them to reconsider. If for some reason you can't get a hold of anyone then post in the affiliate marketing section and since many network owners/affiliate managers are members here (copeac, maxbounty, ads4dough, convert2media, yeprevenue, neverblue, advaliant etc) they should be able to help you get in.

2) Yes most of that money is spent on advertising, most people use adwords, facebook, and a few other independent sources but since your new you'll probably want to start off with msn adcenter. They have less traffic but the clicks are cheap and the conversion rates are higher so it's hard to not make money if you setup your campaigns properly. After you've managed to get the pay per click model down then you should move onto yahoo search marketing and then over to adwords, facebook, and myspace. PPC marketing is basic economics, find clicks at a low price and then send them to an offer which will pay you a higher price (in terms of EPC) and you're good to go.
I think you need to do some more reading :hollering:

I know I need to do that. I'm most likely at the information overload point but theres just so many small words that I'm not understanding. It's like I get this, this, and this, but how do they all go together.
a4dhelp has some tie together info, and videos as well.

Basically you get paid to promote a product. You get to choose the product.

ppc short version.
Find product.
get domain name and hosting
create landing page with good headline (multiple to split test)
create multiple ads on google yahoo msn etc etc. (split test everything. one variable at a time)

People seach for a key word. find your ad, follow it to your pre-sell (landing page), and then follow on to the manufacturers product page, where they buy, and you end up with a comission for finding the customer.

Start simple, but quickly ramp up on landing pages/ads to split test, and tracking, analytics, etc.

If you aren't testing, you are losing money.

Headlines Headlines Headlines. If the customer clicks on your page you only have a few seconds to get their attention. Big bold print is going to do that. Write out 20 or 30, then put them away for a day or two, and re-read them to choose the best to use.
a4dhelp has some tie together info, and videos as well.

Basically you get paid to promote a product. You get to choose the product.

ppc short version.
Find product.
get domain name and hosting
create landing page with good headline (multiple to split test)
create multiple ads on google yahoo msn etc etc. (split test everything. one variable at a time)

People seach for a key word. find your ad, follow it to your pre-sell (landing page), and then follow on to the manufacturers product page, where they buy, and you end up with a comission for finding the customer.

Start simple, but quickly ramp up on landing pages/ads to split test, and tracking, analytics, etc.

If you aren't testing, you are losing money.

Headlines Headlines Headlines. If the customer clicks on your page you only have a few seconds to get their attention. Big bold print is going to do that. Write out 20 or 30, then put them away for a day or two, and re-read them to choose the best to use.

Thanks. I'm getting it all together now. I didn't understand the term landing pages or split test when I created this thread and now I do. Nickycakes guide is pretty helpful.

I don't understand the split test part but right now I'm just going to do some more research and try to get an affiliate. then this weekend get my niche, make a landing page, and then start learning from trial and error.

ill keep updating this thread with more questions and when i start my stuff. thanks a lot.
If you truly read Cake's noob guide and you are still lost then maybe you are right. Too much on your brain. Maybe you should take a step back and re-read Cake's post again but this time instead of reading it simply do it one step at a time. Don't go to the next step until you complete the step you are on. If you get stumped at any point then come back here and ask questions.

I know I need to do that. I'm most likely at the information overload point but theres just so many small words that I'm not understanding. It's like I get this, this, and this, but how do they all go together.
I'm in the same boat as you are as far as being a beginner. If i'm understanding you correctly you want to know how you get paid when you are up and running.

Well the ad network pays you. You chose an offer to promote, they give you an affiliate ID and you link either directly to your chosen offers sales page or via a landing page to the end sales page. This is all tracked by the ad network and you are paid your cut by them and the person that created the product is paid in the same way when someone buys the product.
Yeah. I re-read all the newbie guides so I'm good to start now. It just took a few times over to process everything and I was sort've confused by all the affiliate applications that asked for my current web site when I don't have one..

It seemed like every guide was telling me to find my niche then make a web site then get an affiliate but I was thinking you get your niche from the current offers of the affiliate.

Anyways. Like I said I'm gonna do more research this week and start this weekend. I have a good budget that can range for awhile but I'm gonna start cheap so I can learn by trial and error. I'm hoping to find a mentor instead of going the PPC Coach or Black Hat Project route.

Rather pay for 1 on 1 help then those sites. ;/

Anyways, thanks all. I'll keep you updated!
Okay..so I read a bunch more guides.

Can someone tell me if this is the right direction to start?

1) I've found a niche, no idea how good or bad it is. I typed it in google with " and one form came with 200 results and the other form of the niche/keyword came with 20k results.

2) Now I make a web site about this niche with a host, domain name, word press, etc. Landing page, etc.

3) Set up blogs/articles.

4) Sign up with an affiliate and hope they have stuff for me with my niche? Is that how that part works?

5) Start learning how to get traffic.

6) Add PPC stuff?

7) Spend money on advertising?

So..is that about right? minus a lot of details..lol.
I'd sign up with a network first. I think you can sign up without a site although i might be wrong. I'd also research this site on how the experienced guys go about finding niches. Check out the contest at the top of this section (NE3/No Excuses 3) it is being run by experienced guys so that newbies like us can learn the ropes of Internet marketing there is some solid advice in the contest threads. You will learn alot if you look hard enough, you cant join the contest but most of the advice given is all there on the contest threads for you to look at...

Also lots of the affiliate network owners post here, contacting them might be a good idea for advice on getting started.
I think I might go with the ad sense route to start. I think that may be the cheapest and easiest way to learn the ropes without getting too crazy? Then after I get web page, seo, and all that experience I can move on to other stuff or maybe adsense is my favorite..who knows.
No, adcents pays you just cents. That is a very long and hard way if you choose to do seo and monetize with adcents. Not recommended.

Just sign up to some network and choose some product from there. You also get affiliate manager who supports you and gives you some advices. You could go to seo route with some good product and payout.
for your website, put in wickedfire. they should get the idea that you are new, and know where you are getting your info from.

ppc will be paid traffic, and SEO will be "natural traffic" I personally wouldn't mix the two on one page. SEO takes time to build, and PPC you are paying per hit.

Use SEO to get to your quality site, with quality info, and ads sprinkled about.

Use PPC to get targeted traffic. If you keyword/ad is in buy mode "get the brand new xzd350 thumb drive for $4.99 NOW" then your landing page is going to be set up to keep a buyer going right to the check out. I'd suggest a landing page that looks ALOT like the check out page "click here to buy" button, etc.

If window shopping mode keyword/ad, you need to convince them. Landing page will possibly be a review or comparison site. All the info and details that will make the decision for them.
Wrenny i am also very new to Affiliate Marketing, and the same as you i've read nicky's guide a few times and once a felt safe i decided to start going into more detail.


I read nearly all of the articles on that page a few times over, and idea's are flowing through my brain but im not going to start untill im less hyped and abit more educated on this subject.
No, adcents pays you just cents. That is a very long and hard way if you choose to do seo and monetize with adcents. Not recommended.

Just sign up to some network and choose some product from there. You also get affiliate manager who supports you and gives you some advices. You could go to seo route with some good product and payout.

Okay, I get that but I was just thinking that adcents is the lowest possible risk way to learn the field. I'm not as worried about as profit right now as much I just want to learn the ropes. I figure start off low risk before I start losing money to learn.

for your website, put in wickedfire. they should get the idea that you are new, and know where you are getting your info from.

ppc will be paid traffic, and SEO will be "natural traffic" I personally wouldn't mix the two on one page. SEO takes time to build, and PPC you are paying per hit.

Use SEO to get to your quality site, with quality info, and ads sprinkled about.

Use PPC to get targeted traffic. If you keyword/ad is in buy mode "get the brand new xzd350 thumb drive for $4.99 NOW" then your landing page is going to be set up to keep a buyer going right to the check out. I'd suggest a landing page that looks ALOT like the check out page "click here to buy" button, etc.

If window shopping mode keyword/ad, you need to convince them. Landing page will possibly be a review or comparison site. All the info and details that will make the decision for them.

So do you suggest SEO to start and learn the ropes before going the PPC route and spending money? PPC only works if they are actually buying the product or you constantly lose money, correct?

When I do PPC, is there a limit to how much I'm spending or do I have to sign up per click with no maximum? Probably sucks if you make a shitty landing page, not getting any conversions but shelling out all the ppc money.