I'm Locked Out of Facebook, Is My Ad Campaign Still Running?


New member
Jul 31, 2011
I forgot the birthday I originally entered for a empty personal account used to create a facebook page.

Immediately after starting a new campaign to push likes, I got the "Someone May Have Accessed Your Account" page with the birthday security checkpoint.

I'm fucked, cuz I have no idea what I put (I normally use the same for all accounts, but apparently not on this one), the personal account used is empty and has no friends, so I can't ask them what the birthday is displayed as. I've sent numerous emails (using different help addresses), called facebook and as expected, heard nothing back.

I created a new fake account that fit the demo of my ad campaign and haven't seen any of the ads, so that's good. I do know all my ads were approved. Lastly, this campaign is on a brand new CC, so nothing has shown up in my statement yet.

This hasn't happened to me before, so I don't know for sure if they are running the campaign or not.

Has anyone else here been dumb enough to make this mistake? How did you fix it?

