I'm jumping into Lake Superior for charity, and you can get free content for it.


New member
Nov 12, 2009
On February 19th, I'm doing the Polar Plunge here for Special Olympics here in MN. Jumping into Lake Superior is fun and all, but would be really fun would be if some of you people here at WF wanted to make a tax-deductible donation to my team (it's just me) to help raise money to support the program.

I've been assisting with Special Olympics for as long as I can remember. When I was a kid, I went to my brother Andy's softball games to help out with gear and cheer him on. In middle school, I'd go across the parking lot to the high school to watch the games from time to time. And now, in the summers, I spend time assisting with the tournaments and practicing with my brother when I have the time. And as much as it means to me, Special Olympics means a great deal more to him. It's somewhere for him to be out, having a good time, playing sports with friends like him. And without it, I'm sure they'd never get a chance like this.

So, I thought I'd come here to solicit the good people of WickedFire for tax deductible (it is a 501(c)(3) charity) donations to help keep the program going. And if that isn't good enough, I thought I'd offer my content writing services (up to 1500 words) for anyone that donates $20. It's 25% off what I normally charge, so even if you can't save the money on taxes, you'll still get great content from a native English speaker and English B.A..

Polar Bear Plunge | Special Olympics Minnesota

Here's the link to donate if you don't need content. I have other instructions for donating on the other page if you're interested in content as well (as a way I can track who needs what, and who has donated), which is here http://www.wickedfire.com/content/115476-make-tax-deductible-donation-get-free-content-find-out-how.html#post1162771.

If you don't want to donate (it's tax deductible, you jerk), that's cool. I'll take warm thoughts or hate mail to help warm up the waters.

Thought I would give this another bump before Saturday. If you're still interested, I'm still available to do content.

Donations are greatly appreciated, too, if you don't need content.