I'm going to off myself in STS.


The Kwisatz Haderach
Jul 26, 2010
How is it that the two top threads is one featuring a bunch of guys screaming "Man up!" and talking tough to someone caught in an unwanted pregancy, then right next to it is a thread of the same people talking about their favorite juicing recipes?

Server speed must be vary indirectly with testosterone levels.

Obviously you have a skewed definition of what a "Man" is. In regard to the juicing recipes thread, I assume you're under the impression it's not manly to talk about things like recipes, healthy diets, etc.., and rather a true man is one which doesn't give a fuck about that nonsense?

If so, I'd challenge you to tell this guy to his face he's not a man for caring about things like diet and recipe.
Juice is good and no one likes a dead beat skipping out on his kids.
How is it that u had time to post this between suckin dicks?

this is probably the only post in the history of wickedfire that I have ever laughed out loud to. Well done.

Also, juicing and eating healthy increases testosterone. So fuck you.
But for the inactive IMers, they're just getting a shitton of excess carbs masked as pure benefit. Local personal trainer will tell you its pop with vitamins in terms of sugar - since you're taking all the fibre out of the fruit by juicing it = whole point of fruit. Not to mention because fruit isn't eaten - you end up juicing like 6 fruits worth of sugar to satisfy - where eating fruit you would've stopped at 3.

The inactive IMers build up tons of excess testosterone, which translates into the other thread of extreme aggression.
It's so great WF is running fast again.

Earlier this week it was like "Fuck I can get any work done cuz I'm just waiting for the WF page to load"

Now it's like "Fuck I've got all this free time, WF is fast as fuck now"!
not sure if srs

If we did a poll of how fat the angriest people on the forum are - a picture would probably be easier to understand for you.

Fat, inactive, works from home = increasingly unhappy and isolated = angry forum troll. Pretty common.

Guy who fucks his girlfriend 2x as hard [or just works out on occasion] = uses up all them carbs from the juss, feels great. Common too.
If we did a poll of how fat the angriest people on the forum are - a picture would probably be easier to understand for you.

Fat, inactive, works from home = increasingly unhappy and isolated = angry forum troll. Pretty common.

Guy who fucks his girlfriend 2x as hard [or just works out on occasion] = uses up all them carbs from the juss, feels great. Common too.

easier for me to understand what?

a. fat ass shit head that doesn't use extra juice carbs=unhappy
b. less fat shit head that fucks twice a day and uses his extra juice carbs=happy

all im saying is that guy "b" has the higher T levels, not guy "a". And guy "a" sure as hell doesn't have "tons of extra testosterone built up", that's causing his unhappiness. Nobody has tons of extra T built up, unless it's injected.
Sorry - general expression "built up T" has more to do with anger than the actual definition, you're right.

Should've just used the term "built up T" instead of using big words.
Sorry - general expression "built up T" has more to do with anger than the actual definition, you're right.

I don't think that's true at all. Only phrase I would say that I associate testosterone/anger with is "Roid rage".
Obviously you have a skewed definition of what a "Man" is. In regard to the juicing recipes thread, I assume you're under the impression it's not manly to talk about things like recipes, healthy diets, etc.., and rather a true man is one which doesn't give a fuck about that nonsense?

If so, I'd challenge you to tell this guy to his face he's not a man for caring about things like diet and recipe.

Because spending all day cavorting around on stage wearing a thong surrounded by other similarly undressed muscle marys is the epitome of masculinity.
Because spending all day cavorting around on stage wearing a thong surrounded by other similarly undressed muscle marys is the epitome of masculinity.

I think he meant being able to rearrange your face with little more than a stern glare is the epitome of masculinity.