I'm back. With something cool.


Nov 24, 2009
Read this in a book over summer, thought it was eye-opening, maybe you will too.

On your planet you have an animal called a bear. It is a large animal, sometimes larger than you, and is clever and has ingenuity, and it has a brain as large as yours. But the bear differs from you in one important way. It cannot perform the activity that you call imagining. It cannot make mental images of how reality might be. It cannot envision what you call the past and what you call the future. This special ability of imagining is what has made your species as great as it is. Nothing else. It is not your ape nature, it is not your tool-using nature, not your language or your violence or your caring for young or your social groupings. It is none of these things, which are all found in other animals. Your greatness lies in imagination.

The ability to imagine is the largest part of what you call intelligence. You think the ability to imagine is merely a useful step on the way to solving a problem or making something happen. But imagining is what makes it happen.

This is the gift of your species and this is the danger, because you do not choose to control your imaginings. You imagine wonderful things and you imagine terrible things, and you take no responsibility for the choice. You say that you have inside you both the power of good and the power of evil, the angel and the devil, but in truth you have just one thing inside you - the ability to imagine.

Dr. Michael Crichton as Norman Johnson, Ph.D in the novel Sphere (1987).

Does a bear imagine in the woods? Or just shit in the woods? Or imagine taking a shit in the woods? A riddle, wrapped in an enigma!
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an animal called a bear. is clever and has ingenuity, ....

Nice motivational blurb, but, bears have poor eye sight and eat garbage, however, they do have a great sense of smell, and instinct/memory to find there way back to a location that is miles away from them after being relocated. (like the garbage dump or someones back yard where they found some tuna cans)
come between a mamma bear and her cub and you'll end up with your balls in your mouth.
Read this in a book over summer, thought it was eye-opening, maybe you will too.

On your planet you have an animal called a bear. It is a large animal, sometimes larger than you, and is clever and has ingenuity, and it has a brain as large as yours. But the bear differs from you in one important way. It cannot perform the activity that you call imagining. It cannot make mental images of how reality might be. It cannot envision what you call the past and what you call the future. This special ability of imagining is what has made your species as great as it is. Nothing else. It is not your ape nature, it is not your tool-using nature, not your language or your violence or your caring for young or your social groupings. It is none of these things, which are all found in other animals. Your greatness lies in imagination.

The ability to imagine is the largest part of what you call intelligence. You think the ability to imagine is merely a useful step on the way to solving a problem or making something happen. But imagining is what makes it happen.

This is the gift of your species and this is the danger, because you do not choose to control your imaginings. You imagine wonderful things and you imagine terrible things, and you take no responsibility for the choice. You say that you have inside you both the power of good and the power of evil, the angel and the devil, but in truth you have just one thing inside you - the ability to imagine.

Dr. Michael Crichton as Norman Johnson, Ph.D in the novel Sphere (1987).

I bolded and enlarged some odd references in the passage. If you notice, Dr. Crichton says "your species", almost like he isn't human at all.

Is he an alien... or are you an alien and subconsciously paraphrasing what you read, Human? Oh the irony in your user name.