I'm Almost Done With The Fifth Book of Game of Thrones...


Captain Time Pirate
Aug 18, 2010

I'm looking forward to four years of actually getting to sleep on time.

ALRIGHT FINE. I'll read it.

Edit: wait, is the series over yet? Otherwise I'll probably just wait. I hate trying to remember what happened in a book I read however many years ago.
The book series, not the TV

There are two more books.

Considering #5 came out in 2011 and it seems to take about 3-4 years / book, we're not gonna have the last one before 2020, if at all. He'll probably die before finishing them.

For anyone who hasn't read the books, I can only describe it as follows:

Step 1: Read 300 pages, think to yourself "man, shit just got real."
Step 2: Read 300 more pages, think to yourself, "HOLY SHIT SHIT JUST GOT EVEN REALER."
Rinse and repeat.

The books are basically a never-ending exponential increase in realness. George Martin is a master at leaving you hanging at the end of every single
There are two more books.

Considering #5 came out in 2011 and it seems to take about 3-4 years / book, we're not gonna have the last one before 2020, if at all. He'll probably die before finishing them.

For anyone who hasn't read the books, I can only describe it as follows:

Step 1: Read 300 pages, think to yourself "man, shit just got real."
Step 2: Read 300 more pages, think to yourself, "HOLY SHIT SHIT JUST GOT EVEN REALER."
Rinse and repeat.

The books are basically a never-ending exponential increase in realness. George Martin is a master at leaving you hanging at the end of every single

There are two more books.

Considering #5 came out in 2011 and it seems to take about 3-4 years / book, we're not gonna have the last one before 2020, if at all. He'll probably die before finishing them.

For anyone who hasn't read the books, I can only describe it as follows:

Step 1: Read 300 pages, think to yourself "man, shit just got real."
Step 2: Read 300 more pages, think to yourself, "HOLY SHIT SHIT JUST GOT EVEN REALER."
Rinse and repeat.

The books are basically a never-ending exponential increase in realness. George Martin is a master at leaving you hanging at the end of every single
man, shit just got real.
I actually haven't even read the books yet and it took a lot of convincing/pestering from my friend to get me to watch the TV series. He finally succeeded when he said that there was a lesbian scene on one of the episodes. So i sat down and watched......best.....tv show....EVER! I enjoyed it right from the 1st episode and I am eager for the second season. But I can't be bothered to wait for it so now I am going to make the books my night time reading.

Just a quick question though, do the books ruin/spoil the TV series?