Iframing Offers

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New member
Jan 10, 2008
Lets say im iframing an offer on mydomain.com and sending traffic direct to that domain (iframed affiliate link) using google ppc for example, will the referrer be leaked?

What I mean is will the advertiser be able to see what keywords where bidded on and sending the traffic?

with most current browsers nowadays, iframing will treat the cookies dropped as 3rd party. Unless the site/advertiser supports Compact Privacy for the cookies dropped, you will lose conversion/sales.

also, most other offers will break out of the iframe anyways.
I once tested this on a mailing which netted about 1800 clicks and
grossing a meazly $200 on multi offers. Then, i took out the frames
and did a test mail again. Generated 2000+ clicks and converted like $1600+

anyways, thats my 2cents on iframes and aff marketing.\

TO cloack your referer just use meta refresh/header refresh/ of java redirect.

Point your sites to a page that does the refresh or redirect.
On redirect avoid php or cig usage of location: as that will carry over referer

On php a header refresh works fine and better than a meta refresh
since it is in the headers.

anyways, that my 3cents on referers
Iframing will heavily drop your conversion rate. Few months ago i split tested iframing and normal redirect and found that iframing couldn't even break even while normal redirect is banking...

And with adwords, you'll be fucked for sure...
Why does iframing drop the conversion rate?

As far as losing the cookie, how would that happen, isn't it still loading up the page with your cookie inside the frame anyway?
Why does iframing drop the conversion rate?

As far as losing the cookie, how would that happen, isn't it still loading up the page with your cookie inside the frame anyway?

I haven't looked into it but what the previous poster was talking about was that your visitors' browser privacy settings could cause them to discard the cookies as 3rd party - like the ones that come from iframe-delivered banner ads, etc.
For those who don't know...

"Iframing an offer" is the latest blackhat craze which takes an incentive email submit such as "win a free ipod" and use iframes to hide the offer and change it from "win a free ipod" to "download free porn movies" which pushes the quality of these types of offers way down, pissess off the advertiser, network, and leads to more scrubbing. Some idiots will even use it on non incent offers but I doubt they last very long before the advertiser and network realize the leads suck.

So if we aren't going to ban him, then at the very least we shouldn't be helping him :food-smiley-010:
Hey ayzo,

I'm not talking about that. Im talking about testing a campaign and instead of direct linking and getting into a bidding war with other affiliates that are advertising that merchant url, iframing my affiliate link on my domain and avoiding the one unique url affiliate policy.

But I see you guys recommend I meta refresh on my domain the affiliate url, but in this case if my display url is mydomain.com and then that redirects to merchant url (with my affiliate link), google will not let me get away with this either as display url will be diferent than landing url, right?
Iframing will heavily drop your conversion rate. Few months ago i split tested iframing and normal redirect and found that iframing couldn't even break even while normal redirect is banking...

And with adwords, you'll be fucked for sure...

Way over generalized.

Some methods work for some offers and some don't.
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