iFrames (for good not evil)


New member
Mar 1, 2011
I've come across many threads that mention the use of iframes for trickery, i.e. placing the sign up fields for an offer on a sexually suggestive site, however what if one placed an iframe like this on a completely relevant site, for the purposes of increasing EPC (replacing an offer's shit page.), is this still considered a type of fraud to advertisers?

EDIT: And I ask that last question because the page within an iframe will not break itself out (without the required coding) and well their offer gets stuck in a small box, often unable to be completed, some advertisers might feel cheated

What you're talking about is called host & post. Basically you have the fields on your own designed page, and the leads are being registered from that page. You will need to first get approval from the advertiser that they allow host and post, and then you'll have to get them to approve your landing page that you'll be posting the form too.
What you're talking about is called host & post. Basically you have the fields on your own designed page, and the leads are being registered from that page. You will need to first get approval from the advertiser that they allow host and post, and then you'll have to get them to approve your landing page that you'll be posting the form too.
He's not, the two have nothing in common.

@OT: check with your AM. might be an issue with terms placement for example.
He's not, the two have nothing in common.

@OT: check with your AM. might be an issue with terms placement for example.

Exactly... Host n Post and Iframing are not even close to the same thing. I am on wickedfire today for the first time in a while and reading so much bad information it's making me literally cringe.
what he wants to do is host and post, but since op does not know what host and post is he is talking about iframes.

Comprehension is more then just reading, you have to fill in some blanks.
This ^

I very well know the difference between iframing an offer and hosting it on your own. But the way the OP described what he wants to do, host & posting is appropriate, not iframing. Which is why I started saying "What you're talking about is host & posting", since it def wasn't iframing an offer.
Exactly... Host n Post and Iframing are not even close to the same thing. I am on wickedfire today for the first time in a while and reading so much bad information it's making me literally cringe.

Don't you know about the extra knowledgeable & cool points? People work hard for them on here, you win some you lose some? :food-smiley-010:
what he wants to do is host and post, but since op does not know what host and post is he is talking about iframes.

Comprehension is more then just reading, you have to fill in some blanks.

Completely wrong again, for the love of god stop ASSUMING and listen to what the OP is asking...

The OP said nothing about hosting an offer and by the sound of his post he isn't ready for it either since it takes large volume, good quality, and consistency before you ever get close to a host n post arrangement.

What he is talking about is using iframe's to change what the user sees on the LP while still using the advertisers hosted LP. There are many applications for this from dropping a cookie to overlaying content on top of the advertiser LP and that is what he is talking about! It's generally considered shady and one would definitely want to get approval from your AM or risk not getting paid.
Completely wrong again, for the love of god stop ASSUMING and listen to what the OP is asking...
Exactly, however until now i was not aware of host&post arrangements so i thank mGrunin for that

The OP said nothing about hosting an offer and by the sound of his post he isn't ready for it either since it takes large volume, good quality, and consistency before you ever get close to a host n post arrangement.
In terms of volume and consistency what kind of numbers are we talking about here?
Exactly, however until now i was not aware of host&post arrangements so i thank mGrunin for that

In terms of volume and consistency what kind of numbers are we talking about here?

You are going to have to be one of their high volume publishers, that varies a ton depending on the offer but that probably means a bare minimum of $1,000 a day consistently for weeks, then you have to get quality reports and make sure they are liking your traffic, then (and this doesn't happen that often going through networks) get them to agree to set you up on a host n post agreement. Keep in mind they are losing a level of control which is why most advertiser won't do it.

In all honestly it's going to be very hard unless you have been in the industry for a while and have some pull or at least working closely with the network for a while and they know and trust you. I'm not trying to burst your bubble on this host n post idea, just saying it like it is so you know what you are up against realistically.
In all honestly it's going to be very hard unless you have been in the industry for a while and have some pull or at least working closely with the network for a while and they know and trust you. I'm not trying to burst your bubble on this host n post idea, just saying it like it is so you know what you are up against realistically.

Its all good, really I appreciate it, saves me time. The offer im working with is easily going to rake in a $1,000 for me which is big for a beginner like me, the iframe would really help but I'm going to contact my AM as suggested, can't risk it, thanks again for everyones input.
It always annoys me when an offer has a great lp except for one or two things that completely fuck it up, and it breaks frames so you can't do anything about it. I think some of the issues are that a lot of affiliates would try to hide the cost and things like that so to be on the safe side they just don't let anyone do it.

Off topic but one of the worst days of my life was when Flycell added their frame breaker and all the links started showing to the user as "flycell.asdfsaf.com.asdsadf.asdf/32502375/userID=15??21!!%13jhfsdfk" which makes the entire offer look like a scam and shaved about 30% off the epc.