iframe help

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New member
Dec 15, 2006
I'm loading up 28 iframes of my youtube videos so I can increase the viewcount. When I run this, my browser eventually crashes I'm guessing because its pretty resource intensive after a while. Is there any way I can either optimize this or is there another way I can do this?


I'm not quite sure what your background is, but look on the internet for C++ code for a socket create.

Just loop a socket create to "connect" to youtube at the URL you have ex: youtube.com/videos/video2893423.html you would connect to youtube.com and "GET /videos/video2893423.html HTTP/1.1" as many times as you want, although make sure to pause it a few seconds inbetween gets so that it doesn't flood youtube and get your IP banned.

Good luck, hope this helps (and of course, I don't promote GET flooding youtube as they will see this as some sort of attack if it gets a look..)
You can disable plugins (flash) and images in your browser preferences, although it is possible that the view count is only updated if the flash file is loaded. Dunno really, test it.
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