If you work with Adsmarket

lol biggest mistake ever accidently running into a few of their ams at ase. those guys are annoying
Weird network. Sure they've got a great array of intl offers and some good exclusives, but I dunno if i'd trust them and run volume (as evidenced by hurr-durr's issue). Might proceed cautiously with them and get some history with payment. I forget who my AM was but I seem to remember he said they 'usually don't do weeklies'? Anyone comment on that? Not super enthused to run on them regardless but since the thread came up figured I'd chime in.
Never had any issues. But many of there offers are funky like terms wise. So you have to be on your game. But they do have some good offers, ones that you can't find anywhere else.

And as far as the stiffin' goes that is possible with any network if you run traffic that doesn't back out.
I got some guy Nitzan. He's a little slow to respond (time difference perhaps) but usually on point.

Just started running with them so I can't comment on payment terms or any of that but I will chime in when I can report on an actual experience.
My last AM there was Hilee, she actually quit and started her own network... can't remember what it's called now.
Does anyone (besides a rep or mysterious one post wonder) have any positive history of payment with them?