If you were....


New member
Apr 24, 2010
... brandishing a pellet gun, that police thought was real, inside a school, and you were surrounded by them, and they were pointing real guns at you, and they were telling you to put your 'weapon' down, what would you do?

I probably wouldn't do what this guy did.

Better off without this wannabe gangsta?
Or were the police wrong for not being able to avoid this outcome?

I can't say the police were wrong. I mean, the kid was brandishing what they thought was a real gun.

But I certainly feel sorry for the kid. It seems like he had some underlying issues; didn't know what he was doing.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7uiSO_MUnY]Mr. bean - airport gun scene - YouTube[/ame]
Police would have handled the case the other way than shooting the kid. Although I would never do what he did.
Ever had a gun pointed at you?

I don't know the details - wasn't there. Unless more witnesses come forward, all I have to go on is wannabe gangsta holds his ground, points what looks like a loaded weapon at them and refuses to lower it.

If in my mind it's either me or him, I'd shoot to kill. So can't blame the police there.

It's definitely sad.

And there may be more to the story. But from what I have to go on, I can't blame them, I'd do the same.

As for the OP's question - I wouldn't put myself in the position of pointing a weapon at police officers. That's kind of a life lesson I assumed most have picked up on.
What the fuck. He took a 'gun' to school. Where's the dilemma here? I don't see it. If I wanted to survive the day, waving an air gun around at school and then refusing to lower it to an armed policeman isn't something I'd try.

The next debate will be: 'If you were an infantryman, on the front line, and the enemy took a shot at you, would you shoot back?' Stupid.
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The next debate will be: 'If you were an infantryman, on the front line, and the enemy took a shot at you, would you shoot back?' Stupid.

inb4 'clearly you could have talked to the infantryman and worked something out... you didn't have to shoooooot him. I would have walked over to him and had a normal rational discussion about morality and war and the merits of each of our governments position in the current conflict. Then decided who was more right and ended the war right then and there.

Don't know why you had to shoot back when you could have done above ^^'
You wave a gun at the police, you get shot. That thing sure as hell looks like a gun from a distance over about 2 metres.

If he'd been like 8 or something, it would be a problem, but he was 15. Old enough to understand that.

Personally, I feel sorry for the cop who shot him. Imagine having to live with that knowledge?
No fault of the cops unless they shot without giving him the chance to put the gun down. Otherwise that thing is a proper replica, convincingly real from just about any distance. Sucks for everyone involved.
don't they put those red tips on the end of pellet guns just so cops know they're not real, because this has happened before? why did you take off the red tip kid?!
don't they put those red tips on the end of pellet guns just so cops know they're not real, because this has happened before? why did you take off the red tip kid?!

If you play airsoft with the red tip on your friends will accuse you of homoerotic tendencies, it's like wearing a helmet when you ride a bike.