If you wanted a page linked quickly

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I let Warner Brothers Records promote one of their artists on my site via a contest. They ended up screwing the winner over, and I want the story about it out before they make me take it down.
actually sounds interesting. maybe find some big american idol fan site and try getting a link there to your story, free or paid.
actually sounds interesting. maybe find some big american idol fan site and try getting a link there to your story, free or paid.

Great advice, thanks! I posted on three music forums, one that helped promote the contest. I also submitted it to digg and netscape. We'll see what happens, if they give the girl who won the contest her $1,500 back (for the airfare they charged her) because of this then it accomplished what I wanted it to. I'm not holding my breath though, Warner Brothers/Reprise is run by fucktards.
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