If you only had 5 months to make it in this


New member
May 14, 2008
I may get flamed for this but hey that's life. This question is mainly for the vets here who may or may not have been in this type of situation.

So let's say that with it being Feb you want to quit your job by June and you need to be able to support yourself enough to atleast quit your day job. Not neccessarily to get the bling bling monies.

What kind of campaigns would you run?

i'm not asking you to give away exact niches or to show me your landing page but like would you create some adsense blogs or would you make a bunch of landing pages and do some PPC. Or a nice blog promoting CPA offers via SEO...

Not looking for a handout, just a thought.

Join an affiliate network and ask your AM what offers are hot on PPC atm, if you have PPC money this is your best chance of making good money in that time period but otherwise just build a site based around the offer and get links to it.
This question is mainly for the vets here who may or may not have been in this type of situation.

So let's say that with it being Feb you want to quit your job by June and you need to be able to support yourself enough to atleast quit your day job. Not neccessarily to get the bling bling monies.

What kind of campaigns would you run?

The problem trying to get this info from the vets, and you being a noob, is that (even if they give you an honest answer) their winner maybe a dog for you. They already have experience in a niche or vertical that moves a campaign to profitability quicker than you can split testing from the ground up. They also may have more resources to more broadly target, if you have to minimize losses you run the risk of either targeting to tightly or target broadly but blow your bankroll before you can dial in on the parameters that turn a loser into a winner.

Do what xentech said and ask your AM instead of asking vets here, your AM maybe help you turn a loser into a winner since they have an idea of what kind of traffic is already converting.

What level of income do you need to support yourself? What is your starting bank roll? Why the June cut off?
Ask any VET and it will all come down to testing. All niches are profitable. Some are more competitive than others and that's it.

You just need to be able to do massive amount of Tests. Keep the profitable campaigns and dump the rest.. Keep testing..

Testing don't require skills that you need to be born with, except an iron ass, since you would be sitting a lot. And do the same thing again and again and again.

Have as many variables possible. And test all combinations of those variables. It sounds like pain in the ass, but when you see the monies rolling it, you would want to test some more.. That is the power of monies.. And don't get married, unless you want you want your wife asking you if you love her more or the laptop.

And create good sites. Sites that your mama would be proud of. Even if it is weightloss site, create a real site with real content... Flogs convert better, but you just have six months and you won't want to start all over again.. Ah well, have some flogs as well. They do convert well..

PS: Keep two laptops. Or one laptop and a desktop maybe. And a data card.. You won't be able to be offline for 2-3 hours at a stretch..
The problem is also that many people bust their ass for months figuring this kind of thing out, and you come into a forum expecting the answer given to you instantly. Hence the hostile reponses you are met with.
I would try copying what other people are making money.

And you have to work your ass off, and probably fail a lot. As long as you learn the techy / marketing skills eventually you'll figure it out.

It's not like money just flies out or the internet into your pocket because you know the "right" offer to run on the "right" network. It's actually a lot of work. Sorry.
man you are thinking way too ahead. it's nice to have a goal but to establish the day when you'll quit your job before you even start, that's crazy. Start by talking to your affiliate manager and ask him for offers that are doing ok and can be promoted by a newbie.
Don't get into rebills from the beginning, you'll lose all your money and quit. Start with some pay per sale offers in a niche that is not very crowded. This way you'll understand the ad systems much better and have a chance. Don't expect result overnight and make quitting your job a secondary goal.
The problem is also that many people bust their ass for months figuring this kind of thing out, and you come into a forum expecting the answer given to you instantly. Hence the hostile reponses you are met with.

So I take it that when you first started out and wanted just a little direction, you never read a single ebook, blog, or forum post huh? Or maybe you were just so damn smart that you just new how to do everything on your own.(Perhaps you created Affiliated Marketing I don't know, maybe.)

And actually I think that the a mojaority of the post in here are non hostile. Like the point that I touched on in my post, I'm not asking anyone what niche should I chose and how to set the campaing word for word.

Just wanted a general idea. That's all, no hand out just a little advice.
So I take it that when you first started out and wanted just a little direction, you never read a single ebook, blog, or forum post huh? Or maybe you were just so damn smart that you just new how to do everything on your own.(Perhaps you created Affiliated Marketing I don't know, maybe.)

And actually I think that the a mojaority of the post in here are non hostile. Like the point that I touched on in my post, I'm not asking anyone what niche should I chose and how to set the campaing word for word.

Just wanted a general idea. That's all, no hand out just a little advice.

1) talk to your affiliate manager
2) pay attention to what ads you are seeing
3) pay attention to what traffic sources people are talking about, if they are bitching then they are making money on it.
4) just start moving
Do what xentech said and ask your AM instead of asking vets here, your AM maybe help you turn a loser into a winner since they have an idea of what kind of traffic is already converting.

What level of income do you need to support yourself? What is your starting bank roll? Why the June cut off?

Thanks for the supportive advice.

Honestly if I new that I was guaranteed(Which I know there are zero guarantees here) to make atleast $500/week then that would be good enough for me because that's like the most that I make at my job now. I say June because I would like to move to Atlanta by that time and focus on my music career which is what I really want in life.

I've taken some action from what I learned in another on of my threads and got a Thesis Theme and I'm learning how to customize that to my liking while I have this slow money downtime. I have a good copy idea for a saleletter that I can write for a Penis enlarging and Muscle Supplement landing page. I've apprehensive to follow through because I don't have money to run it via PPC.

So I'll run the question by one of my affiliate managers'. I am currently a memeber of A4d, Copeac, and Motive so I'll talk to each of them.

Here is How to Make $500+ a day within 60 days, Starting with $50 (4 Go Daddy Domains + Hostgator Hatchling Hosting Account), Guaran-dam-teed.

Step 1: Make 4 Wordpress Blogs (White Teeth, Work From Home, Colon Health, and Weight Loss)
Step 2: Use your Thesis Theme and put Banner Ads for Corresponding Free Trial Offers (White Teeth, Weight Loss, Colon Cleansing, and Biz Op) in the Leaderboard (Top right), Both Sidebars, and Below each post.
Step 3: Make one 150-200 word post per day on each Blog (4 Posts total), or buy articles and post them.
Step 4: SEO the Shiz out of them by using the SEO Plugin, the Onlywire Social Bookmarking Plugin, Simple Tags, and Angela and Pauls Backlinks.
Step 5: Register your Blogs on Aggregator sites Technorati, Blog Catalog, and My Blog Log (Massive Backlinker)

After 60 Days you will have created 240 blog posts. All you need total is 16 sales per week at $32 to make $500 a week. Using the banner ads you will get a 20% CTR from Blog to offer page if targeted and done correctly. Judging you can get a 10% Conversion rate on your offer pages, for every 100 visits to your blogs you will get 20 clicks to your offers and 2 sales, or $64. So to hit your target you need around 800 visits to your 4 blogs, or 200 weekly visits to each blog.

Don't worry about trying to rank for this keyword or that keyword. Just keep pounding out posts and SEO'ing them. 63% of Google Search terms have never been typed before.

Go Gettem Champ!

Any questions just reply back.
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Here is How to Make $500+ a day within 60 days, Starting with $50 (4 Go Daddy Domains + Hostgator Hatchling Hosting Account), Guaran-dam-teed.

Step 1: Make 4 Wordpress Blogs (White Teeth, Work From Home, Colon Health, and Weight Loss)
Step 2: Use your Thesis Theme and put Banner Ads for Corresponding Free Trial Offers (White Teeth, Weight Loss, Colon Cleansing, and Biz Op) in the Leaderboard (Top right), Both Sidebars, and Below each post.
Step 3: Make one 150-200 word post per day on each Blog (4 Posts total), or buy articles and post them.
Step 4: SEO the Shiz out of them by using the SEO Plugin, the Onlywire Social Bookmarking Plugin, Simple Tags, and Angela and Pauls Backlinks.
Step 5: Register your Blogs on Aggregator sites Technorati, Blog Catalog, and My Blog Log (Massive Backlinker)

After 60 Days you will have created 240 blog posts. All you need total is 16 sales per week at $32 to make $500 a week. Using the banner ads you will get a 20% CTR from Blog to offer page if targeted and done correctly. Judging you can get a 10% Conversion rate on your offer pages, for every 100 visits to your blogs you will get 20 clicks to your offers and 2 sales, or $64. So to hit your target you need around 800 visits to your 4 blogs, or 200 weekly visits to each blog.

Don't worry about trying to rank for this keyword or that keyword. Just keep pounding out posts and SEO'ing them. 63% of Google Search terms have never been typed before.

Go Gettem Champ!

Any questions just reply back.

Apply face to palm
Here is How to Make $500+ a day within 60 days, Starting with $50 (4 Go Daddy Domains + Hostgator Hatchling Hosting Account), Guaran-dam-teed.

Step 1: Make 4 Wordpress Blogs (White Teeth, Work From Home, Colon Health, and Weight Loss)
Step 2: Use your Thesis Theme and put Banner Ads for Corresponding Free Trial Offers (White Teeth, Weight Loss, Colon Cleansing, and Biz Op) in the Leaderboard (Top right), Both Sidebars, and Below each post.
Step 3: Make one 150-200 word post per day on each Blog (4 Posts total), or buy articles and post them.
Step 4: SEO the Shiz out of them by using the SEO Plugin, the Onlywire Social Bookmarking Plugin, Simple Tags, and Angela and Pauls Backlinks.
Step 5: Register your Blogs on Aggregator sites Technorati, Blog Catalog, and My Blog Log (Massive Backlinker)

After 60 Days you will have created 240 blog posts. All you need total is 16 sales per week at $32 to make $500 a week. Using the banner ads you will get a 20% CTR from Blog to offer page if targeted and done correctly. Judging you can get a 10% Conversion rate on your offer pages, for every 100 visits to your blogs you will get 20 clicks to your offers and 2 sales, or $64. So to hit your target you need around 800 visits to your 4 blogs, or 200 weekly visits to each blog.

Don't worry about trying to rank for this keyword or that keyword. Just keep pounding out posts and SEO'ing them. 63% of Google Search terms have never been typed before.

Go Gettem Champ!

Any questions just reply back.

That's way too hard. Just buy Google Money Tree Kit, turn it on and start rolling in cash.