If you have an S-Corp you MUST read this!


New member
May 28, 2009
The bill titled HR 4213 passed this summer and is now law.

After Jan 1 any S-Corp that is relies on the "skill or reputation" of 3 or less individuals - or if the S-Corp is a partner in a service corporation - you no longer are exempt from payroll tax on your non-W2 income.

Or in other words - if you're a single owner S-Corp - bend over, because you're going to give up an extra 15% or so.

Check with your CPA - ours are going to have a busy day tomorrow. Our consulting firm has 13 or so employees so I think we are safe - but we can't be sure because we just found out about this.

You can read it here:

The important bits are this (Page 24):

Ensuring collection of employment taxes earned by certain service professionals. Social Security taxes are imposed on compensation and self-employment income up to the Social Security Wage Base (currently $106,800) and the Medicare tax is imposed on all self-employment and compensation income. Some service professionals have been avoiding Medicare and Social Security taxes by routing their self-employment income through an S corporation. These taxpayers then pay themselves a nominal salary and take the position that the remaining earnings are exempt from employment taxes. The bill would address this abuse in situations where (1) an S corporation is engaged in a professional service business that is principally based on the reputation and skill of 3 or fewer individuals or (2) an S corporation that is a partner in a professional service business. The bill would also clarify that individuals that are engaged in professional service businesses are unable to avoid employment taxes by routing their earnings through a limited liability corporation or a limited partnership.

whenever i google hr 4213 i get the unemployment bill. Are you sure this “The American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act of 2010" bill passed?
lol investing in american jobs by raising my taxes and "correcting abuse" of the tax benefit they created lol
"S corporation is engaged in a professional service business that is principally based on the reputation and skill of 3 or fewer individuals"

Are you in the service business?

Your cpa sucks..
sounds like the equiv of the UK 'IR35' law.

time to get jiggy with some buds, scorpers
I am trying to remember if and where on any tax form you declare how many people are in your company.

It's defined in the K1 if you are an S-Corp. It shows all shareholders and their respective % of ownership.

Glad this thing isn't law YET - I'm going to go verbally abuse one of my partners for scaring the crap out of me.
"S corporation is engaged in a professional service business that is principally based on the reputation and skill of 3 or fewer individuals"

Are you in the service business?

Your cpa sucks..

I own an IT consulting company with about 15 employees and two other owners. So yes - I am in the service business.

Our CPA has nothing to do with it. One panicky partner though....HE did. GRRRR.