If you had to make a choice

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New member
Apr 27, 2007
With the exercise nazis
Would you rather end up on a site where everyone else is older than you or younger than you? In this hypothetical, no one is really your own age on either site but they are all your same gender.

How would you know? Would it matter? I spose if the age gap was huge it may make a difference... but na, I wouldnt give a shit myself.
That's like asking, "who would you rather bone: rosie odonnel or janet reno"... neither answer is right and under no circumstances do i plan on putting myself in the situation where that could happen anyways
who gives a fuck, there are 19 year olds who act amazingly mature and 30 year old shit heads.
It doesnt fucking matter, only if you give a fuck about what "society" might say. Blonde :) If you feel you can contribute to a certain discussion, contribute if you dont feel like it, no one is going to come over and pull your hair and make you contribute. Yes i said pull your fucking hair :) i bet thats painful and sadistic. You will be surprised what some of this young fuckas could be holding and what you could learn, occasionally they might not exactly appeal to your sensibility and taste but who has a gun to your head. Just get in to the website and share ask questions, contribute or luck .
As long as it's not too old or not too young it doesn't matter... generally speaking I don't think I've got much in common with the average 6 year old, or the average 80 year old, but 15-50ish... np, as long as they are open-minded. (Not in that way!)

I think gender is even less important, some of my closest friends are female. I think there should be a drive to get more ladies on WF though!
This is why I asked.

In real life, I'm very social. I love parties, I have a circle of about 10 close friends that I get together with for girls nights out regularly, and I generally get along with people. I tend to be non-confrontational, optimistic, look-on the-positive-side kind of girl.

Now on the internet....whole 'nuther issue. I've hung out with women younger than me, and have gotten pissed off at the self-centered selfish backstabbing mentality. I've hung out with older women and I just don't understand them and can't seem to relate to things they do.

Which led me to thinking about developing a new niche, based on my age group of women. The problem I see is this...it would be a brand new project, from the ground up. I'd have to develop a new site and get traffic to it. On the other hand, I have businesses on the internet that aren't age specific but are targeted to women and are successful. It's the age issue part of the market that seems to be a good reason to get into this narrower niche.

However, I believe that I need to understand the users I'll be marketing to. To be able to relate to them, to get inside their heads, etc. I'm not sure if the age thing will make a difference, or if I'm just not understanding some internet protocol, or if maybe I should market to men, or something. I'm trying to figure out how to make real-life success with a specific gender/age group transfer into internet success with a gender/age group by marketing to them or if it really doesn't matter at all (gender and age and understanding them).
who gives a fuck, there are 19 year olds who act amazingly mature and 30 year old shit heads.
It doesnt fucking matter, only if you give a fuck about what "society" might say. Blonde :) If you feel you can contribute to a certain discussion, contribute if you dont feel like it, no one is going to come over and pull your hair and make you contribute. Yes i said pull your fucking hair :) i bet thats painful and sadistic. You will be surprised what some of this young fuckas could be holding and what you could learn, occasionally they might not exactly appeal to your sensibility and taste but who has a gun to your head. Just get in to the website and share ask questions, contribute or luck .

I agree with this, as far as WF goes. Honestly, this is my favorite place on the internet and I'm pretty sure a whole lotta people here are jailbait for me. ;) But it's filled with smart, funny, interesting people and age doesn't even enter the picture. So I'm thinking that since I play well with men, I should market to them and scrap the other idea.
Depending on what you are marketing, age and gender can make a difference. You probably need to do some demographic marketing research. You can find sources of this type of info online, although it might cost you.
Kids my age tend to er....not be able to type well. Every forum I've ever been on has pretty much been full of people older than me, and I like it that way. In real life, though, I like to hang out with my age group (give or take a few years).
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