If this then that


Nov 23, 2008
I realize most people here (myself included) either have the ability to code up their own scripts or have someone that does it for them. Either way, I saw a link to this service today and figured it would be neat to discuss:

ifttt / About ifttt

Seems like a neat way to introduce non-programmers to automating reactions to online services, and potentially even a useful tool for people that don't code but still want to scrape or react in real(ish) time.

Anybody here use it?

It is cool; but not enough triggers and ingredients.

Right now it it has 39 "Channels" (Sources of information like twitter, email, or RSS feeds) that it can do very particular things in.

This is likely enough for the least-tech-savvy people on the web today, because they can use it to repost crap between FB & Twitter, or back up their flicker photos to dropbox...

But where people like us would get a real use out of is if we had moar control over those channels, or better yet, if somehow they could spider HTML pages (Google's results?) to search THOSE every 15 minutes for changes, not just the RSS feeds of said sites.

It is a bit like having a VA work for you 24/7, but that VA has the IQ of a turnip.
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I'm thinking of starting an alternative to this service called 'elseifelse'. </rimtap>

Seriously, looks like it would be cool to use in conjunction with Sikuli, where Sik could do some of the things ittt can't.
...looks like it would be cool to use in conjunction with Sikuli, where Sik could do some of the things ittt can't.
LOL; already tinkering with this in conjunction with uBot.

Would be 2 awesome if this could trigger a bot to run... Too much to hope for though. In the meantime I'm using a bot that sends emails as a reporting step, which it will receive and run something else at that time. Nothing too groundbreaking.

Any other ideas to make them interface?
LOL; already tinkering with this in conjunction with uBot.

Would be 2 awesome if this could trigger a bot to run... Too much to hope for though. In the meantime I'm using a bot that sends emails as a reporting step, which it will receive and run something else at that time. Nothing too groundbreaking.

Any other ideas to make them interface?

I assume you can start a ubot from cmd line, so why not host a pw protected page somewhere with a form that require the information the ubot needs, on submit the server side script would then execute the ubot from the cmd line with the information entered in the form.
hmm... why not have ifttt post to a random, invite only twitter account, seperated values, for example when triggered by a keyword in a RSS



http:/ wickedfire. com;gay ass webmasters;#gaySEO

uBot is triggered every X minutes (or seconds) by a windows service or just runs in an endless loop with a sleep in between. It then checks the twitter account, grabs the newest entries and skips merrrily on its way...

.. and by skipping I mean grabbing each entry up to the latest known (store that in a var or a file), seperating the values and then going havoc wherever.

...Not bad at all!

I'll be thinking about this carefully, thanks emp... The only thing stopping me from popping out a bot to do this right now is the fact that I'm deeeeeeep into another bot right now, and it's a biggie. -But this is going on 'the list.'
Service seems great, however a lot of 'recipes' don't work consistently enough for me unfortunately.