If money doesn't make you happy, consider time

Nope. You can always make more money.

Time > Money.
If you don't waste time getting money, you'll have enough money to use your time freely. If you start spending time before earning money, your time is limited. Not in quantity, but in quality.

Sure, money can't buy quantity of time, but it can buy quality of time.
There is one problem in all this research on happiness...nobody knows what happiness exactly is (or they all have different definitions).
Using money as a vehicle to free up your time and fill it with activities you enjoy is one of the key's to happiness.
Funny thing is that so many entrepreneurs fail to disconnect when money is there.

A former boss of my wife for example:
She is 60ish now, got a restaurant and several properties she is renting out.

About 20 years ago, that woman would HAVE to get out of there. Hire someone to take care of things, enjoy the money.

She never made it. She fills in for the cooks in the kitchen, does all the administration and has to take care of all the hassle with the renters.

Well-off, but not happy.

Getting out of your own way is one of the biggest obstacles here.

Money only buys you time if you let it.
