If Jesus would be an IM'er...


agent provocateur
Apr 28, 2010
In the shadows
What niches would he be in ?
Would he outrank Grindstone ?
Would he blank his referrers ?
Would he create his own blog network ?

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the ad, the click, and the conversion: no affiliate cometh unto the Offer, but by me.

Matthew 5:16 Let your landing page so cloak before Google, that they may see your good copy, and glorify your Offer which is in the network.

Matthew 7:7,8 Pre-sell and it shall be given you; upsell, and ye shall find; rebill, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that pre-sellleth receiveth; and he that upselleth findeth; and to him that rebilleth it shall be opened.
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