If I wanted America to fail...


Chronic Crypto
Mar 17, 2008
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZ-4gnNz0vc]"If I wanted America to fail" - YouTube[/ame]

Dammit. It would have been SO perfect if only he'd have left out the global warming stuff.

Everything else in this vid was so awesome it literally gave me chills up my spine... But since he had to throw in the climate change conspiracy too It just ruined it all for me. :(

The rest was great though... Truly good stuff.
This shit is so stupid. What'd I tell you about going full retard?


Connect two neurons together you fucking dumbass. But really, the truth is the weak/stupid shall perish and people who see disasters coming from a mile away will survive. That's the way this world works. So please, by all means continue to dig your own graves.
Everything else in this vid was so awesome it literally gave me chills up my spine... But since he had to throw in the climate change conspiracy too It just ruined it all for me.

What's your thoughts on the whole climate change theory? (Not to derail this thread, but) I've heard some pretty convincing debates from both sides and it's one issue I really haven't been able to make my mind up.

Good video btw.
What's your thoughts on the whole climate change theory? (Not to derail this thread, but) I've heard some pretty convincing debates from both sides and it's one issue I really haven't been able to make my mind up.

Good video btw.

Clearly pumping tons of CO2 and carcinogenic compounds into the atmosphere yearly has no cumulative effect on our ecosystem.
Awesome vid.

I'd go post it on Facebook now for all my friends to watch but they'd probably just write it off as another conspiracy theory.
What's your thoughts on the whole climate change theory? (Not to derail this thread, but) I've heard some pretty convincing debates from both sides and it's one issue I really haven't been able to make my mind up.
Oh, that would without a doubt bring about a complete topic change to this thread... There are few topics argued on WF with less passion.

Here was the last one, on which I made my stance quite clear in the OP:

This shit is so stupid. What'd I tell you about going full retard?


Connect two neurons together you fucking dumbass. But really, the truth is the weak/stupid shall perish and people who see disasters coming from a mile away will survive. That's the way this world works. So please, by all means continue to dig your own graves.

Markets will naturally shift to more cost effective sources if supply does decrease. Government only harms the economy when they manipulate prices in order to favor one type over another.

As for climate change the time frame of data gathered to determine if there is a substantial change in temperatures is so short and insignificant relative to Earth's history that no one can explain if it's actually due to man made causes.

hurrrr durrrr
Markets will naturally shift to more cost effective sources if supply does decrease. Government only harms the economy when they manipulate prices in order to favor one type over another.

As for climate change the time frame of data gathered to determine if there is a substantial change in temperatures is so short and insignificant relative to Earth's history that no one can explain if it's actually due to man made causes.

hurrrr durrrr

I won't give your nonsense the dignity of calling it a strawman argument because let's be honest - this is some weak ass shit.

That is not what I was arguing about. Every kid in 8th grade knows about Adam smith's laws of supply and demand and in that regard you're right. But again, did I mention anything about the economy? No.

I was talking about using a non renewable energy source, NOT about global warming in my first post. According to the video, using and supporting oil is what "makes this hurr USA so fuckin great, so let's continue to do so" even while experts tell us we'll deplete ALL cost effective reserves within the next 50 years tops. A stupid argument and anyone with a brain knows we should invest even a fraction of what we do on the military to find alternative energy sources.

As for global warming, you're wrong. We have data spanning millions of years and the change in temperature that we're experiencing right now simply ISN'T normal. Period. Logically speaking, obviously the massive amount of CO2 we produce would have an effect, no matter how "small" and this in turn would create an ecological chain reaction around the world. It's not rocket science.
What's your thoughts on the whole climate change theory? (Not to derail this thread, but) I've heard some pretty convincing debates from both sides and it's one issue I really haven't been able to make my mind up.

Good video btw.

I know for one thing companies (Europe and US alike) has been putting money in countries they wouldn't normally do for renewable energy projects to meet their carbon requirement. This may be bad for some, but this has somewhat advanced those technologies. More than 2,000 projects are registered for this which reduces emission one way or another.
I won't give your nonsense the dignity of calling it a strawman argument because let's be honest - this is some weak ass shit.

That is not what I was arguing about. Every kid in 8th grade knows about Adam smith's laws of supply and demand and in that regard you're right. But again, did I mention anything about the economy? No.

I was talking about using a non renewable energy source, NOT about global warming in my first post. According to the video, using and supporting oil is what "makes this hurr USA so fuckin great, so let's continue to do so" even while experts tell us we'll deplete ALL cost effective reserves within the next 50 years tops. A stupid argument and anyone with a brain knows we should invest even a fraction of what we do on the military to find alternative energy sources.

As for global warming, you're wrong. We have data spanning millions of years and the change in temperature that we're experiencing right now simply ISN'T normal. Period. Logically speaking, obviously the massive amount of CO2 we produce would have an effect, no matter how "small" and this in turn would create an ecological chain reaction around the world. It's not rocket science.

Oil does fuel this economy. These kind of "experts" have been saying reserves will run out in 50 years since 100 years ago. New reserves are constantly being found. Obviously we will run out but any "expert" that somehow knows for sure we are at the tipping point is full of shit.

We have data spanning millions of years and the change in temperature that we're experiencing right now simply IS normal. Period.

It doesn't matter if the amount humans produce are massive, the question is does it have any significant impacts on temperature. You can find periods of history where climate increased even without humans. On top of that, using the time frames we are currently measuring climate change in, you can also find periods where co2 didn't correlate with temperatures.

The ecosystem isn't a fragile network that collapses on the smallest changes. Ecosystems have gone through much more volatile periods than now and have had no problem adapting. If you want to protect the environment, you should be focusing on the preventing deforestation not whether you should spend more money on shit that have less of a carbon footprint.

You think the US government should spend even more money that they don't have on eco friendly success stories like Solyndra.

I'm no scientist but my point is no one can tell if the current changes are due to humans or if it is just another cycle, so we should carry on until we do have accurate evidence. I have a problem with people touting the man made argument as 100% conclusive.
We have data spanning millions of years and the change in temperature that we're experiencing right now simply IS normal. Period.
Sorry Monies, you are dead wrong on this point.

As much as I want to lump it all together with the other problems we have just like the guy in the film did, the facts are just against climate deniers on this one.
Oil does fuel this economy. These kind of "experts" have been saying reserves will run out in 50 years since 100 years ago. New reserves are constantly being found. Obviously we will run out but any "expert" that somehow knows for sure we are at the tipping point is full of shit.

We have data spanning millions of years and the change in temperature that we're experiencing right now simply IS normal. Period.

It doesn't matter if the amount humans produce are massive, the question is does it have any significant impacts on temperature. You can find periods of history where climate increased even without humans. On top of that, using the time frames we are currently measuring climate change in, you can also find periods where co2 didn't correlate with temperatures.

The ecosystem isn't a fragile network that collapses on the smallest changes. Ecosystems have gone through much more volatile periods than now and have had no problem adapting. If you want to protect the environment, you should be focusing on the preventing deforestation not whether you should spend more money on shit that have less of a carbon footprint.

You think the US government should spend even more money that they don't have on eco friendly success stories like Solyndra.

I'm no scientist but my point is no one can tell if the current changes are due to humans or if it is just another cycle, so we should carry on until we do have accurate evidence. I have a problem with people touting the man made argument as 100% conclusive.

Your logic is flawed, and you should feel bad.
All I ever remember hearing when I was going to elementary school is how chopping down all the Rainforests were killing the Ozone. I remember having to sing songs about it and whatnot. I hardly hear any talks of that anymore. Is that cause they want us to ignore that? Or what? Too much propaganda to sort through...
Someone please stop this guy he's obviously implementing his plan as we speak!
lulz trust WF to watch a laissez-faire capitalism video and turn the thread into an environmental argument...