If I moved to the US, how would I best structure my tax position?


New member
Feb 23, 2011
Hi all,

If I was to move to the US permanently (well, semi permanently) how would I best structure my tax position? I mean, how do you guys do it?

Assuming I earn 100-120k per year and have a ltd company.

What sort of rates would I pay do you know?

I am just curious to compare it with the UK and a few others.


Live here illegally. Illegal aliens get carte blanche. If you want live here legally, you have to consider state income taxes, too. A handful of states have no state income tax. Places like Cali have the highest or next to highest.
I can't give you a clear answer on federal taxes but

7 states have no income tax, and you could really say 9 states, but two of them tax dividends and interest.

South Dakota

The other two states are

New Hampshire

So if you really wanted to keep your taxes low you may want to consider those states.
Steps to best positioning for the tax man:

  1. Grab lube from drawer
  2. Bend over
  3. Grab One Ankle
  4. With free hand, place tube of lube on lower back (hope the tax man takes the hint)
  5. Place bite bar in mouth (or not if you're a gay webmaster and enjoy what's about to happen)
  6. Grab other ankle with free hand
  7. Prepare for the ride of your life

Seriously though, as others have said, don't live here full time or live in a state with no state income tax, though those states are more likely to have higher sales taxes, county/city property taxes, and in some cases city income taxes, city/county sales taxes, etc.

Bottom line, if you live in the U.S. it's only a matter of time till the tax man comes knocking, and it doesn't matter where you live, every level of government is going to get their cut of your money one way or another.
Living illegaly in States is kinda hard nowadays.

Not in Cali. The police won't ask you if you're an illegal. Your car won't get impounded in LA. You can get in-state tuition at the colleges, which US citizens in neighboring states CAN'T get. You can bribe a DMV worker to get a license or doctor up some fake docs to say you were here several years and get a license under the Dream Act, which Obama un-Constitutionally shoved down our throats. You can even get a job. Just use someone else's SSN. Si se puede!
Bent over with pants around your ankles would be the best tax position.
I can't give you a clear answer on federal taxes but

7 states have no income tax, and you could really say 9 states, but two of them tax dividends and interest.

South Dakota

The other two states are

New Hampshire

So if you really wanted to keep your taxes low you may want to consider those states.

You forgot Wyoming!
So if you really wanted to keep your taxes low you may want to consider those states.

States with no income taxes can try to make up for it by having higher property taxes and such, so it can be best to take all taxes into account.

Tax rates: Where does your state rank? - Apr. 14, 2009

the Dream Act, which Obama un-Constitutionally shoved down our throats.

He signed an executive order that had to do with some of it, but the Dream Act has never passed congress and actually had more republican support before Obama got in. Jeb Bush supports it and if he were to become president I can see more republicans once again favoring it, as they wouldn't have to worry about appearing on the same "side" as Obama.

Former state Sen. Russell Pearce, father of immigration law Senate Bill 1070, last week offered a few thoughts on President Barack Obama and his administration's stance on illegal immigrants and its efforts to stop SB 1070.

"The problem you have now is you have an anarchist in the White House," Pearce said. "This president is the problem, not the law.

Political Insider: Pearce calls Obama 'anarchist,' eyes Disneyland
The best you could do is not come in the first place and reside in a nation that hasn't bombed 6 countries in the last few years.
Step #1: Incorporate in Hong Kong. Bank in H.K. or any western country.

Step #2: Move to the U.S. as a tourist. You're probably allowed up to 6 months stay per year as a tourist if you're from a Western country.

Step #3: Enjoy living in the U.S. without being butt-raped by the taxation system like Americans.
If you obtain US RESIDENCY then your WORLDWIDE INCOME will be subject to IRS TAXATION. PERIOD.