IE9 Test Drive

Midas Touch

He who laughs, LASTS!!
Dec 20, 2008
Dave's World
Internet Explorer 9: Platform Demos


Download the Internet Explorer 9 Platform Preview

Check out the new capabilities of the next Internet Explorer, with the Internet Explorer 9 Platform Preview. Find demos of HTML5 and the hardware-accelerated performance with background compiled JavaScript. You can also download the Windows Internet Explorer Platform Preview user guide and release notes.

lol fuck Microsoft. Windows XP would still be prefered microsoft OS in 2100 (barring any enhancement to cmd.exe and enhancements to services, scheduling and other "advanced" features) if they didnt force people to switch
lol fuck Microsoft. Windows XP would still be used in 2100 if they didnt force people to switch

Win7 is a pretty decent OS. Never thought I'd switch from XP, but now I have I'm glad I did. Have installed & working on 5 desktops & 3 laptops with not a glitch, despite differing h/w configs & w/less & wired LAN etc.
Have to agree, Windows 7 is solid. It's what should have came after XP.

Still, lulz at Internet Explorer.
Have to agree, Windows 7 is solid. It's what should have came after XP.

Still, lulz at Internet Explorer.


Though would still like to see IE9 come out, just so I can start charging extra to support IE6 being 3 generations old and over 10+ years old. :p

(The only way we're gona kill IE6 completely, is if everyone just stops supporting it all together).
lol fuck Microsoft. Windows XP would still be prefered microsoft OS in 2100 (barring any enhancement to cmd.exe and enhancements to services, scheduling and other "advanced" features) if they didnt force people to switch

I guess this dumbass hasn't seen W7, not to mention, IF i wanted to run XP, I just turn on XP mode in Windows 7. Bam. Best OS Microsoft has had since XP, and 10 times better than XP.
Still, lulz at Internet Explorer.

I HATE IE8!! But I would really like to see them get something decent put together. IE6 & 7 were tolerable, though I was a Netscape user to the bitter end. For me, FF has taken somewhat of a nose dive since V3.0.

I'm enjoying Win7 Ultimate.

Win2000 Pro and XP Pro were very stable and I still have them installed on a couple of my boxes.
Funny all the people who like XP were the people who said I'm not switching to Windows 2000 from Windows 95.