IE7 and IE6 on one PC

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Why only install IE6 and 7 when you can be like me and make yourself want to jump off a bridge sometimes.

I have damb near every browser I know of installed, now I only need to buy a mac and get any damb browser the macs have, I do this so I can easily cross reference my webpages when checking out browser compatibility, but by having too many browsers for testing your sites it gets frustrating because one thing will work on two browsers and not on the rest so you change it to suit the other browsers, then the ones that were good are no longer good, can be a real nightmare sometimes.
You Can't Please Everyone

If it works in the latest IE and Firefox versions I'm done!

You can please some of the browsers, most of the time, but you don't need to please all of the browsers, all of the time. It'll drive you nuts trying~!
Hey kids... Instead of installing a fuck-load of browsers on your machine for testings purposes... Use BrowserShots, the site lets you choose which browsers you want screenshots of your sites from... It also lets you choose resolution, Javascript on or off, etc.
Basically I only use two browsers to check compatibility, latest FF and IE6. If it looks the same on those two, it will look the same for more than 95% of my visitors. So I suggest just checking your site's statistics and see what 3-2 browsers are the most popular and going after them.

Somehow IE7 is still not that popular as IE6, at least on my site.
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